Thursday, May 27, 2004

Fisk on the Way

Am currently deep into Peace in the Middle East, and will be posting something on it soon. Very, very interesting stuff. Its clear that Chomsky's hatred of Israel has progressed over the years. This book is from 1974 and his rhetoric is very tame in comparison to his more recent stuff. His demonization of the US is very palpable, however, so perhaps its the prolonged nature of the US-Israel relationship that has driven him off the deep end. I've always personally felt that Chomsky's contempt for Israel stemmed more from his loathing for the United States than anything else. The footnoting is quite creative, by the way. I think he's the only writer in America with pretensions of being a historian who gets most of his sources from newspapers. I'm also surprised at how openly socialist the book is. No traces of anarcho-syndicalism here. Of course, socialism was not nearly as conclusively discredited back then as it is now, at least not in intellectual circles. More on the way...