Friday, December 31, 2004
A Very Anti-Chomskyite New Year
Just wanted to wish you all a happy new year and to thank you for the support you've given me and this blog over the past months. My apologies for not posting recently, but I'm working on a short novel at the moment which unfortunately is consuming most of my writing energy. I will endeavor to pick up the pace. Best wishes to all.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
On Cinema, Again
I've posted a few thoughts on Sergio Leone's gangster film Once Upon a Time in America over at the non-Chomsky blog. Not really a review, more of a short essay. If you're interested, enjoy.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
To Everyone on the Mailing List
I've just experienced a small computer meltdown, which -- thank God -- did not wipe out my hardrive but did destroy my Outlook address book, for which, me being the lazy computer illiterate that I am, I had no backup. Anyone who was on the mailing list for blog updates -- or would like to be on it -- send your email address to me at and I'll put you back on. Thanks.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Amritas Returns
In a most welcome development, anti-Chomskyite linguist Amritas has returned to the service of the cause. Go check out his site, he was in the counterrevolutionary business before any of us.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Another Chomskyite Shuffles Off the Stage
This surprisingly less than biased article in the NY Times informed me today of a happy occasion: the retirement of PBS pseudo-journalist/guru Bill Moyers. Although it does make the mistake of calling Moyers a progressive (he isn't, he's an anti-capitalist authoritarian reactionary), it does manage to give something resembling equal time to some of Moyers's detractors, which, for the NY Times, is no mean thing. Well worth reading.
As for my own thoughts regarding Moyers (and don't take my word for it, Laurence Jarvik's book PBS: Behind the Screen has an excellent, and somewhat frightening, chapter-length deconstruction of Moyers's long and disgraceful career) I should say that I speak as someone who grew up in Boston, a community where Moyers was considered to be a figure somewhere between Ghandi and JFK in the pantheon of beautiful souls; I have seen Moyers-worship up close, and it has only served to confirm my belief that Moyers was the American media's foremost Chomskyite, and we can only view both his growing irrelevance -- which has served more than anything else to drive him off the egomaniacal deep end -- and imminent retirement from the stage as a victory for the anti-Chomskyite cause.
Moyers, in his ideology and the conduct of his career was the very picture of the Chomskyite in action; he was enraptured with the picture of his own moral and intellectual righteousness; he demonized and slandered those of whom he disapproved in the most hysterically vicious terms while still maintaining a self-image of injured morality; he routinely lied, distorted, covered up and omitted in his desire to control the information available to his viewers in order to swing them to his ideological control; he was completely incapable of viewing his political opponents as anything other than agents of apocalyptic evil and corruption; he engaged in relentless apologetics for terrorism, tyranny and anti-semitism; he refused to recognize communism or radical Islam and America's battle against them as anything other than symptoms of the evil hardwired into the system of capitalism and the just desserts of the United States as capitalism's foremost practical manifestation; he claimed to be a populist spokeman for the downtrodden when in fact he was the scion of a tiny elite which despises ordinary Americans and has nothing but contempt for their beliefs and opinions.
But more than this, he also was the very manifestation of that uniquely Chomskyite quality of eruptive, uncomprehending hypocrisy. He denounced corruption and cronyism in the relationship between business and government, yet he was the very epitome of it, making millions of dollars on the backs of American tax payers due to his extensive connections in the small clique of public television; he derided racism and yet refused to deal with the anti-semitic attitudes of interviewees like Joseph Campbell, Edward Said, and Chomsky himself; he claimed to support rational and intelligent discourse, yet aggrandized faith healing and routinely engaged in vicious namecalling rather than debate; he denounced secrecy in government and business and yet refuses to this day to disclose the details of his business dealings; even in his final moments onscreen, he ranted and raged against the conservative media as an imminent threat to democracy, with no seeming comprehension of the fact that he himself has been the most flagrantly ideological journalist of the last quarter century.
Moyers was to television what Chomsky is to the world of political writing: a debased and fanatical authoritarian paranoic with no capacity for self-examination, self-criticism, or even the basic humanity necessary required to admit that your opponents may not, in fact, be demonically, apocalyptically evil. He corrupted his profession, his medium, and his viewers, and in so doing flagrantly exploited the many hardworking Americans who were forced by their government to make him rich. He will no doubt, as Chomsky has been, be privy to much attention and accolade in these waning days of his career, but we may take comfort in the fact that as both of these monuments to intellectual venality fade away, they do so raving and seething at the world which is now swiftly, and thankfully, leaving them behind.
As for my own thoughts regarding Moyers (and don't take my word for it, Laurence Jarvik's book PBS: Behind the Screen has an excellent, and somewhat frightening, chapter-length deconstruction of Moyers's long and disgraceful career) I should say that I speak as someone who grew up in Boston, a community where Moyers was considered to be a figure somewhere between Ghandi and JFK in the pantheon of beautiful souls; I have seen Moyers-worship up close, and it has only served to confirm my belief that Moyers was the American media's foremost Chomskyite, and we can only view both his growing irrelevance -- which has served more than anything else to drive him off the egomaniacal deep end -- and imminent retirement from the stage as a victory for the anti-Chomskyite cause.
Moyers, in his ideology and the conduct of his career was the very picture of the Chomskyite in action; he was enraptured with the picture of his own moral and intellectual righteousness; he demonized and slandered those of whom he disapproved in the most hysterically vicious terms while still maintaining a self-image of injured morality; he routinely lied, distorted, covered up and omitted in his desire to control the information available to his viewers in order to swing them to his ideological control; he was completely incapable of viewing his political opponents as anything other than agents of apocalyptic evil and corruption; he engaged in relentless apologetics for terrorism, tyranny and anti-semitism; he refused to recognize communism or radical Islam and America's battle against them as anything other than symptoms of the evil hardwired into the system of capitalism and the just desserts of the United States as capitalism's foremost practical manifestation; he claimed to be a populist spokeman for the downtrodden when in fact he was the scion of a tiny elite which despises ordinary Americans and has nothing but contempt for their beliefs and opinions.
But more than this, he also was the very manifestation of that uniquely Chomskyite quality of eruptive, uncomprehending hypocrisy. He denounced corruption and cronyism in the relationship between business and government, yet he was the very epitome of it, making millions of dollars on the backs of American tax payers due to his extensive connections in the small clique of public television; he derided racism and yet refused to deal with the anti-semitic attitudes of interviewees like Joseph Campbell, Edward Said, and Chomsky himself; he claimed to support rational and intelligent discourse, yet aggrandized faith healing and routinely engaged in vicious namecalling rather than debate; he denounced secrecy in government and business and yet refuses to this day to disclose the details of his business dealings; even in his final moments onscreen, he ranted and raged against the conservative media as an imminent threat to democracy, with no seeming comprehension of the fact that he himself has been the most flagrantly ideological journalist of the last quarter century.
Moyers was to television what Chomsky is to the world of political writing: a debased and fanatical authoritarian paranoic with no capacity for self-examination, self-criticism, or even the basic humanity necessary required to admit that your opponents may not, in fact, be demonically, apocalyptically evil. He corrupted his profession, his medium, and his viewers, and in so doing flagrantly exploited the many hardworking Americans who were forced by their government to make him rich. He will no doubt, as Chomsky has been, be privy to much attention and accolade in these waning days of his career, but we may take comfort in the fact that as both of these monuments to intellectual venality fade away, they do so raving and seething at the world which is now swiftly, and thankfully, leaving them behind.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
On the Front Page, Part IV
Thanks again to the uber anti-Chomskyites at FrontPageMag for publishing (slightly altered) my piece on Chomsky's take on the election.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
A Small (anti-Chomskyite) Victory
Leftist anti-Chomskyite Paul Berman - who also happens to be one of my favorite writers - has written a wonderful short article celebrating the release of Raul Rivero, a dissident Cuban poet, from Castro's gulag. Berman believes it to be a very heartening and possibly portentious victory against one of the world's most brutal and oppressive dictatorships; and one, it should never be forgotten, for which Chomsky and his disciples have carried the torch for over forty years. Apparently, no less an expert in toppling totalitarianisms than Vaclav Havel - who Chomsky has rather unceremoniously assaulted in recent years, Chomsky's fearful contempt for genuine dissidents, whose very existence makes farce out of his own claims to the title, being well known - is optimistic on the possibility of Cuban freedom, lets hope he's right.
Monday, November 22, 2004
History's Landlord
Noam Chomsky, who can't seem to decide if he wants to praise or bury the Rais, has expended a fair amount of Al-Ahram’s presumably precious space in order to comment on the media/cultural conception of Yasser Arafat in the United States, with unsurprising results. It is always fascinating to hear a lifelong falsifier of history spending so much time and energy seeing the mote in his neighbor’s eye; but we must accept that the “ownership of history”, as he puts it in classic Stalinist terminology, is important to Chomsky, as it is to all totalitarians, and thus ought to read his eulogy and its attendant - and inevitable - digressions with a certain interest, since we are seeing as much a statement of intentions and principles are we are a lamentation for a palsied thug in a rented uniform.
We receive, before we even get to Arafat, a clear missive from on high as to exactly who is in charge here:
Chomsky’s historiography regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict is, per usual, as relentlessly ahistorical as humanly possible, and not at all difficult to analyze, since its themes are consistant throughout: the Arabs are always seeking peace, Israel is always rejecting it out of its relentless expansionism - and racism, of course, where would we be without racism? - and the United States is, naturally, the chief villain behind it all. Complexity is, of course, what makes history difficult, and history – or difficulty for that matter – is most decidedly what the good professor wishes here to avoid. I have dealt with the details of Chomsky’s relentless falsifications before and I will not enter into them again in detail. However, I feel I must once again point out a few of Chomsky’s most egregious lies:
Of course, regarding Chomsky's central theme, his assault on the American media, it is superfluous to point out the fact that the media coverage of Arafat's death was, for the most part, scrupulously deferential to the rais, going so far as to refrain from even a mention of his numerous victims, paticularly when said victims happened to be Jews. As for Arafat's political failures and the nastier details of his ideology, these are matters of fact, and to ignore them in favor of yet another frenzied indictment of Israel and the US would have been difficult even for the most liberal of journalists - although some certainly gave the task their level best. If there is a general consensus among the mainstream media elite, it seems to be that Arafat was a successful terrorist and a failed stateman; something which no doubt vexes Chomsky, since, as a Palestinian nationalist whose ideology seems to lie somewhere to the right of Hamas, he no doubt disapproves of Arafat's failure to push the Jews into the sea, but this hardly warrents a sputtering and largely confused lecture on history as real estate.
But in the end, what we are dealing with here is not a debate over the ownership of history, but a violent, and fairly juvenile, tantrum from a man who is, first and foremost, incensed at the world's failure to acknowledge his own genius. Who are you? he is asking. Who are you not to acknowledge my ownership of history? Who are you not to acknowledge my obvious intellectual and moral supremacy? We are privileged to witness a form of intellectual narcissicism so profound that it renders its victim unable to understand how anyone would dare to rise up against his divine truths, and how anyone finds the courage not to defer to the blinding light of his revelation. We are witnessing what happens when the smartest kid in his kindergarten class never grows up; nothing more or less, in fact, than a classic example of the authoritarian personality as it manifests itself in the intellectual, and one must stop and wonder at the potentialities inherent in a man who believes that he, and he alone, is the true owner of history.
Thanks to the good folks at Blue Octavo Notebooks for the link.
We receive, before we even get to Arafat, a clear missive from on high as to exactly who is in charge here:
The fundamental principle is that "we are good" -- "we" being the state we serve -- and what "we" do is dedicated to the highest principles, though there may be errors in practice.Chomsky then proceeds into a paragraph long, largely incoherent rant about the Vietnam War, which is completely out of context and totally unnecessary, except, of course, for a Chomskyite, and then it is completely understandable. For what it is, in fact, is an opening benediction, an acknowledgement that we will all now consent to the same mutual catechism. Chomsky the high priest is elucidating for us what is acceptable and what is not, what is history and what is not, what is true and what is not; and, as I have mentioned numerous times before, what is acceptable, historical and true is, quite resolutely, “owned” by Noam Chomsky. There is no mention, of course, of the nature of the Vietnamese government, or the million apparently unimportant human lives it extinguished – no doubt collaborators with US imperialism – or the fact that Vietnam was, in fact, a fully justified – and legal – war against the most oppressive and murderous form of government ever devised by man, a form of government for which Chomsky has been an unrelentingly bloodthirsty advocate and apologist for decades. Such facts, truths, “history”, one might even call them, are quite resolutely unincluded in Chomsky’s benediction, as well they might not be, since to acknowledge them would be to acknowledge the possibility of heresy, and no high priest can ever tolerate such offenses against the faith. It does not improve from here.
Chomsky’s historiography regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict is, per usual, as relentlessly ahistorical as humanly possible, and not at all difficult to analyze, since its themes are consistant throughout: the Arabs are always seeking peace, Israel is always rejecting it out of its relentless expansionism - and racism, of course, where would we be without racism? - and the United States is, naturally, the chief villain behind it all. Complexity is, of course, what makes history difficult, and history – or difficulty for that matter – is most decidedly what the good professor wishes here to avoid. I have dealt with the details of Chomsky’s relentless falsifications before and I will not enter into them again in detail. However, I feel I must once again point out a few of Chomsky’s most egregious lies:
Let's turn to the second example: Sadat's reaching out to Israelis and thereby gaining the Sinai in 1979, a lesson to the bad Arafat. Turning to unacceptable history, in February 1971 Sadat offered a full peace treaty to Israel, in accord with then- official US policy -- specifically, Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai -- with scarcely even a gesture to Palestinian rights.In fact, Sadat did not offer anything, he demanded an Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai as a pretext to any negotiations with no guarantee of a treaty or even recognition at the end of them (keep in mind that Egypt, at this point, did not even recognize Israel’s existence); in other words, it was a non-offer offer, and one which no country would have accepted under such circumstances.
Turning to unacceptable history, during the year prior to the Israeli invasion the PLO adhered to a US-brokered peace arrangement, while Israel conducted many murderous attacks in south Lebanon in an effort to elicit some Palestinian reaction that could be used as a pretext for the planned invasion. When none materialised, they invented a pretext and invaded, killing perhaps 20,000 Palestinians and Lebanese, thanks to US vetoes of Security Council resolutions calling for ceasefire and withdrawal. The Sabra-Chatilla massacre was a footnote at the end. The goal that was stated very clearly by the highest political and military echelons, and by Israeli scholarship and analysis, was to put an end to the increasingly irritating Arafat initiatives towards diplomatic settlement and to secure Israel's control over the occupied territories.In fact, as any reader can find out from a piece of "acceptable history" – as in researched, competent, and not created for the purposes of salving the egomania of fanatical pseudo-prophets – called Israel’s Lebanon War, by Zev Schiff and Ehud Ya’ari, the Lebanon War was the product of the Lebanese Civil War and its effect on the longtime alliance between Israel and Lebanon’s Maronite Christians, who had been subjected to a brutal campaign of occupation and ethnic cleansing at the hands of the PLO and their Muslim neighbors, particularly Syria, which has always had imperial designs on Lebanon and does not recognize its sovereignty. The “pretext”, as Chomsky calls it, for the invasion, was not "invented"; it was the very real assassination attempt on the Israeli ambassador to England, which left the man permanently disabled, by Palestinian terrorists. The larger pretext for the war was the growing PLO mini-state in South Lebanon which was metamorphizing under Soviet tutalage and funding into a conventional armed force which any country would find unacceptable sitting on its borders. It was clear that the "peace arrangement", as Chomsky calls it, which was in reality an informal ceasefire, could not hold and was not intended to hold, but rather was being exploited by Arafat to buy time to consolidate his new army and eventually resume the war. This was, at any rate, the Israeli analysis, and a hardly unreasonable one considering the brutal campaign of mass murder undertaken by Arafat in Lebanon to consolidate his power and the long campaign of PLO terror attacks on Israel's Northern border, which had caused strategic destabilization, mass flight from population centers and substantial economic damage. Unlike tenured charlatans, military and political leaders have to make decisions in which the lives of their citizens are at stake and Israel’s leaders felt that a PLO army on its Northern border was an unacceptable risk and acted accordingly. As for the Sabra and Shatilla massacre, Israel did not commit it, nor allow it to be committed, nor desire for it to be committed; the killings - committed by the Maronite Phalange militia - were of a piece with a long and bloody mosaic of tit for tat massacres between Christians, Muslims, and Palestinians that had marked the Lebanon Civil War as one of the most brutal in modern history. To make mention of the massacre – as so many do – without this context is to engage in ghoulish exploitation for the sake of scoring political points; nothing unusual, of course, for Noam Chomsky, although we can happily note that, in this case at least, he acknowledges that this particular mass murder actually happened. As for “Israeli scholarship and analysis”, the Lebanon War is still highly controversial, and no such consensus as Chomsky describes regarding the origins, intentions, and outcomes of that war exists. Chomsky has a nasty habit of making definitive claims on subjects about which he knows nothing, such as politics, history, and anything to do with the Israel-Arab conflict. He should stick to linguistics.
Meanwhile the NYT refused -- the word is accurate -- to publish the fact that through the 1980s, Arafat was calling for negotiations which Israel rejected. The Israeli mainstream press would run headlines about Arafat's call for direct negotiations with Israel, rejected by Shimon Peres on the basis of his doctrine that Arafat's PLO "cannot be a partner to negotiations".Chomsky here is involved in the fairly standard practice of Palestinian apologists, i.e. pretending that Palestinian nationalist ideology does not exist. Until the Oslo Process, the PLO did not and would not acknowledge Israel’s right to exist, nor amend its stipulaton that Zionism was a form of imperialism, that the Jewish state was racist and had to be destroyed, or that, after this destruction, all post-1948 Jewish immigrants would be expelled - i.e. ethnically cleansed - from the country. Nor would the PLO renounce terrorism or cease its attempts to use terrorism (witness the Achille Lauro atrocity). Thus, Israel concluded that peace gestures from Arafat were merely a tactic, in keeping with his own “Plan of Phases”, a post-Yom Kippur War plan which involved using negotiations as a prerequisite to resuming the armed struggle; a plan which, it now appears, Arafat was in fact following throughout the ‘90s. This impasse between the two sides ended, or appeared to end, during the Oslo process, when the PLO at least verbally acknowledged Israel's right to exist; which is why Israel, under pressure to end the riots and general mayhem of the first intifada, agreed to negotiate with the PLO at that point, a risk which now seems to have proved a massive blunder. Perhaps Israel should never have allowed international pressure and internal manipulation from its own extreme Left to foist Arafat upon us, although at the time it seemed worth taking the chance. There is more than enough blame to go around for this, but it was a miscalculation, not a sinister attempt at manipulation, as Chomsky would have us believe.
Miller carries the story on in the same vein, leading to the standard denouement: at Camp David, Arafat "walked away" from the magnanimous Clinton-Barak offer of peace, and even afterwards refused to join Barak in accepting Clinton's December 2000 "parameters", thus proving conclusively that he insists on violence, a depressing truth with which the peace-loving states, the US and Israel, must somehow come to terms.This is quite simply a pack of outright lies. Although negotiations broke down before borders were finalized, the offer on the table at Camp David included a continguous Palestinian state, with shared soveriegnty over Jerusalem, that would be connected to Gaza by means of an elevated highway. Chomsky’s claims in this regard are merely echoes of the standard Palestinian propaganda line – as is typical, during the Cold War he routinely cited pro-communist propaganda as though it was objective reportage – and have no basis in the realities of the negotiations whatsoever. Of course, this is to be expected, since to acknowledge the reality of what was offered would be to acknowledge the reality of what was turned down, and would not only destroy the sacred cow of eternal Palestinian innocence, but would also collapse Chomsky’s fervid and desperate indictment of Israel and his own country, with dire consequences indeed for a man so dedicated to his own capacity for rhetorical violence and moral obfuscation.
Turning to actual history, the Camp David proposals divided the West Bank into virtually separated cantons, and could not possibly be accepted by any Palestinian leader. That is evident from a look at the maps that were easily available, but not in the NYT, or apparently anywhere in the US mainstream, perhaps for that reason. After the collapse of these negotiations, Clinton recognised that Arafat's reservations made sense, as demonstrated by the famous "parameters", which, though vague, went much further towards a possible settlement -- thus undermining the official story, but that's only logic, therefore as unacceptable as history. Clinton gave his own version of the reaction to his "parameters" in a talk to the Israeli Policy Forum on 7 January 2001: "Both Prime Minister Barak and Chairman Arafat have now accepted these parameters as the basis for further efforts. Both have expressed some reservations..."
The statement is interesting from several points of view. The linkage reveals, once again, the obligatory visceral hatred of Castro. There have been shifting pretexts as circumstances changed, but no information to question the conclusions of US intelligence in the early days of Washington's terrorist attacks and economic warfare against Cuba: the basic problem is his "successful defiance" of US policies going back to the Monroe Doctrine. But there is an element of truth in the portrayal of Arafat in the Globe think-piece, as there would have been in a front-page report during the imperial ceremonies for the semi-divine Reagan, describing him as one of the iconic group of mass murderers -- from Hitler to Idi Amin to Peres -- who slaughtered with abandon and with strong support from media and intellectuals. Those who do not comprehend the analogy have some history to learn.I suppose there is no point in citing the real reason for Washington’s opposition to Castro – his communist ideology and former status as a Soviet military pawn and imperial underling, as well as his distinction of being one of the most murderous and oppressive dictators in the world – nor the unintentional hilarity of jumping from Castro to Arafat to Reagan without saying anything meaningful about any of them, nor the moral and intellectual bankruptcy inherent in placing Reagan and Peres in the same arena as Hitler, since such calculated dissonance - perhaps stupidity is a more accurate term - is typical of Chomsky, who has always been far more fixated on his own childish resentments than upon genuine analysis. But I digress, since, having learned some history, I can safely say that, on the subject of mass murder at least, Chomsky does have some expertise, if only as an accessory after the fact.
The NYT published one major op-ed on the Arafat death, by Israeli historian Benny Morris. The essay deserves close analysis, but I'll put that aside here, and keep to just his first comment, which captures the tone: Arafat is a deceiver, Morris says, who speaks about peace and ending the occupation but really wants to "redeem Palestine". This demonstrates Arafat's irremediable savage nature.Typically, threatened by the opinions and conclusions of real historians – as in, people who do actual research on primary documents and can footnote a book with references to someone other than themselves – Chomsky resorts to slander rather than real evidence. As a former student of Professor Morris, I can testify that the only thing for which he has “profound contempt” is the Palestinian nationalist movement, on which he has done extensive study, and which he considers congenitally irredentionist, violent, uncompromising, totalitarian, and dangerously prone to blaming all its missteps on outside machinations rather than engage in self criticism; a perfectly reasonable and, in my opinion, accurate, assessment. It is my belief that Chomsky’s lies regarding Morris are gleaned from Ilan Pappe, a Chomskyite Israeli historian who, upon receiving a devastating review by Morris of one of his recent books, promptly, in classic Chomskyite fashion, chose to call Morris a racist rather than defend his work, since, in equally classic Chomskyite fashion, his work was indefensible. Of course, Morris’s personal opinions are irrelevant, since I doubt Chomsky has ever met Morris, and such claims can only be based on hearsay in any case; so the issue is whether contempt for Arabs exists in any of Morris's texts. Having read all but one of Morris’s books, I can testify to this as well: it does not. In fact, in Morris’s earlier work – during his post-Zionist heyday as the darling of the "New Historians", leftist Israelis who rewrote Israeli history to fit their ideology – there is a great deal more contempt for Israel itself, and especially the 1950s and '60s Labor Party elite, than for anybody else. One also wonders at Chomsky’s capacity for projection, since contempt, and outright racism for that matter, towards Jews – as well as his patronizing, Eurocentric, Rousseauvian fetishization of the Third Worlders he claims to support, which is undoubtedly a form of contempt – is one of the outstanding constants of his work and has been for decades.
Here Morris is revealing his contempt not only for Arabs (which is profound) but also for the readers of the NYT. He apparently assumes that they will not notice that he is borrowing the terrible phrase from Zionist ideology. Its core principle for over a century has been to "redeem The Land", a principle that lies behind what Morris recognises to be a central concept of the Zionist movement: "transfer" of the indigenous population, that is, expulsion, to "redeem The Land" for its true owners. There seems to be no need to spell out the conclusions.
Morris is identified as an Israeli academic, author of the recent book The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. That is correct. He has also done the most extensive work on the Israeli archives, demonstrating in considerable detail the savagery of the 1948- 9 Israeli operations that led to "transfer" of the large majority of the population from what became Israel, including the part of the UN- designated Palestine state that Israel took over, dividing it about 50- 50 with its Jordanian partner. Morris is critical of the atrocities and "ethnic cleansing" (in more precise translation, "ethnic purification"): namely, it did not go far enough. Ben-Gurion's great error, Morris feels, perhaps a "fatal mistake", was not to have "cleaned the whole country -- the whole Land of Israel, as far as the Jordan River".In fact, Morris has not been “bitterly condemned”, as opposed to the dream castle of the Chomskyites, Israel is a free society where opinions are debated and not condemned. Moreover, Chomsky’s claim that Morris’s opinions regarding transfer are born out of his fealty to the “terrible” ideology of redemption of the Land is simply a total fabrication (unless Chomsky is, in fact, largely ignorant of Morris’s work, which is certainly a strong possibility). In fact, Morris’s position is the opposite of what Chomsky claims it is. Morris believes that the events of ’48 became inevitable because of the refusal of the Arabs to accept the principle of partition as the Zionist Movement did. In other words, the war was caused not by Zionist lust for the redemption of the land, but by Arab unwillingness to give up at least a part of their territorial maximalism, and, on top of that, choosing a war of annihilation against the Jewish residents of then-Palestine as the alternative, thus leaving the Jews with no moral or practical alternative then to answer with all the means at their disposal, including expulsion. Thus, Morris believes that the events of ’48 occurred not because of Zionist territorial ambitions, but in spite of the willingness of the Zionist movement to compromise on those very ambitions and the refusal of the Arab side to reciprocate. Nor does Morris’s lament the fact that Ben-Gurion did not “finish the job”; he merely states that, if one assesses the Arab rejection of Jewish nationhood as an inevitable and likely indefinitely ongoing phenomenon, one is confronted with the question of what is more moral: to relent from a total expulsion and thus leave the problem unresolved with perhaps fatal consequences or commit a complete expulsion and perhaps thus ensure stability and peace for all concerned through greater suffering in the short term. A brutal equation, no doubt, but an honest one, and one born, it must be remembered, out of a distinctly bloody and cruel historical situation. In my opinion, whatever one thinks of his theories, Morris deserves credit for his desire to confront difficult, if not impossible, moral questions in all their complexity, and not to engage in shallow slander and vicious negation in the hopes of reaching simple and demagogic conclusions where none are possible; something which has always been beyond the capabilities of Noam Chomsky.
To Israel's credit, his stand on this matter has been bitterly condemned. In Israel. In the US he is the appropriate choice for the major commentary on his reviled enemy.
Of course, regarding Chomsky's central theme, his assault on the American media, it is superfluous to point out the fact that the media coverage of Arafat's death was, for the most part, scrupulously deferential to the rais, going so far as to refrain from even a mention of his numerous victims, paticularly when said victims happened to be Jews. As for Arafat's political failures and the nastier details of his ideology, these are matters of fact, and to ignore them in favor of yet another frenzied indictment of Israel and the US would have been difficult even for the most liberal of journalists - although some certainly gave the task their level best. If there is a general consensus among the mainstream media elite, it seems to be that Arafat was a successful terrorist and a failed stateman; something which no doubt vexes Chomsky, since, as a Palestinian nationalist whose ideology seems to lie somewhere to the right of Hamas, he no doubt disapproves of Arafat's failure to push the Jews into the sea, but this hardly warrents a sputtering and largely confused lecture on history as real estate.
But in the end, what we are dealing with here is not a debate over the ownership of history, but a violent, and fairly juvenile, tantrum from a man who is, first and foremost, incensed at the world's failure to acknowledge his own genius. Who are you? he is asking. Who are you not to acknowledge my ownership of history? Who are you not to acknowledge my obvious intellectual and moral supremacy? We are privileged to witness a form of intellectual narcissicism so profound that it renders its victim unable to understand how anyone would dare to rise up against his divine truths, and how anyone finds the courage not to defer to the blinding light of his revelation. We are witnessing what happens when the smartest kid in his kindergarten class never grows up; nothing more or less, in fact, than a classic example of the authoritarian personality as it manifests itself in the intellectual, and one must stop and wonder at the potentialities inherent in a man who believes that he, and he alone, is the true owner of history.
Thanks to the good folks at Blue Octavo Notebooks for the link.
Friday, November 19, 2004
Some Elementary Asininities on the Recent Election From the Pen of the Good Professor
While sitting here listening to the extraordinary soundtrack to Stanley Kubrick's equally extraordinary film Barry Lyndon (if any of you haven't seen it, do; then see everything else by Kubrick you can get your hands on) I checked out this link to Chomsky's new blog, sent to me by an erstwhile fellow anti-Chomskyite. While its still unclear to me that Chomsky actually writes it - at least, its no more clear to me than if Chomsky actually writes his own books - I think its worth wading into a few of the good professor's ruminations on the recent election.
The Chomsky-approved bio refers to him as a "critic of US foreign policy, anti-capitalist, and long time advocate of liberation and justice"; while I wouldn't use a dignified term such as "criticism" to describe what Chomsky is engaged in, we can at least thank him for acknowledging with some clarity that he is resolutely opposed to economic liberty. As for being a "long time advocate of liberation and justice" we can rest assured that such sentiments apply only to tenured linguistics professors and not, say, to Vietnamese or Cuban citizens, or, for that matter, to anyone else living under an authoritarian socialist government. Frankly, I don't understand why the ZNet people didn't refer to him as a "long time advocate of kissing baby seals and being nice to your mother", at least that would have removed the unseemly pretense of objectivity. One would think that such self-styled free thinkers would have the wherewithal to mind Orwell's maxim that all saints ought to be judged guilty until proved innocent; but perhaps such sentiments are purely anti-Chomskyite in nature.
(Incidentally, being from Massachusetts, I can safely testify that Lexington is a very wealthy upper middle-class suburb of Boston where no genuine anarchist would deign to hang his hat. But, of course, Chomsky has always been the most resolutely bourgeoise of radicals.)
Chomsky's take on the election is more or less a restatement of various talking points he's employed for years, but these recurrent themes have a significance of their own, if only because their constant repetition indicates their intrinsic value to the Chomskyite worldview. Needless to say, our erstwhile critic is not happy with the election outcome:
Incidentally, Kerry and the DLC were not connected (Chomsky's reference is vague, but he seems to be implying one) in fact, they were largely ideologically opposed and the DLC is, rightly, seen as "Clintonista" held territory. Some have theorized that the Clinton faction was more interested in a Kerry defeat than a victory, in order to clear the way for Hillary's inevitable 2008 bid for the presidency; I am not a Clinton hater, but I think this theory has some weight to it.
As for the "vast diversity" of liberal academic communities, I can only say, to quote Ghandi on Western civilization, that it sounds like an excellent idea. I have long felt that most academic leftists desire to turn the entire country into a reflection of their totalitarian fiefdoms; its nice to have one's suspicions confirmed.
What we are really seeing here, of course, is not so much a commentary on the recent election but yet another asinine display of Chomsky's hopelessly narcississtic contempt for democracy and the intellectual and moral capacities of his fellow citizens. He is unwilling to accept the possibility of a real and meaningful election or a real and meaningful democracy should it fail to enshrine his pseudo-prophetic blubberings into official policy. Thus the system which fails to enshrine becomes a farce and the people who fail to heed become easily manipulated dupes incapable of forming or expressing their own opinions and values through a representative system. I have noted before the ominous origins and even more ominous potentialities of such an ideology, and the fact that it is swiftly gaining ground in the war of ideas among our intellectual elite. It may be, as Alain Finkielkraut was once quieried, that the anti-totalitarian era is over as quickly as it began. If so, it does not bode well for the future of the free society, or, for that matter, for criticism, liberation, or justice.
The Chomsky-approved bio refers to him as a "critic of US foreign policy, anti-capitalist, and long time advocate of liberation and justice"; while I wouldn't use a dignified term such as "criticism" to describe what Chomsky is engaged in, we can at least thank him for acknowledging with some clarity that he is resolutely opposed to economic liberty. As for being a "long time advocate of liberation and justice" we can rest assured that such sentiments apply only to tenured linguistics professors and not, say, to Vietnamese or Cuban citizens, or, for that matter, to anyone else living under an authoritarian socialist government. Frankly, I don't understand why the ZNet people didn't refer to him as a "long time advocate of kissing baby seals and being nice to your mother", at least that would have removed the unseemly pretense of objectivity. One would think that such self-styled free thinkers would have the wherewithal to mind Orwell's maxim that all saints ought to be judged guilty until proved innocent; but perhaps such sentiments are purely anti-Chomskyite in nature.
(Incidentally, being from Massachusetts, I can safely testify that Lexington is a very wealthy upper middle-class suburb of Boston where no genuine anarchist would deign to hang his hat. But, of course, Chomsky has always been the most resolutely bourgeoise of radicals.)
Chomsky's take on the election is more or less a restatement of various talking points he's employed for years, but these recurrent themes have a significance of their own, if only because their constant repetition indicates their intrinsic value to the Chomskyite worldview. Needless to say, our erstwhile critic is not happy with the election outcome:
The outcome was a disappointment, but there have been disappointments before. Take 1984, when essentially the same gang of thugs—a little less tilted to the extreme reactionary statist side—won by a 2-1 margin, with about the same percentage of the electoral vote as today. And they were engaged in horrendous atrocities abroad and very harsh and destructive programs for most of the population at home. The world didn’t come to an end. In fact, activism proved quite effective.Chomsky's obsession with Ronald Reagan is an odd one, though only in its extreme rhetorical violence, since it is understandable that the man who brought about the final historical discrediting and collapse of authoritarian socialism should arouse the ire of one of its foremost advocates. Nor is the objective failure of Chomskyite ideology to obtain the loyalty of anything resembling a majority of the electorate - or, in this election, even a fringe element; I think Nader polled under 1%, indicating that he has indeed, in every way, become Pat Buchanan's heir - via democratic means any easier to fathom for a man so resolutely convinced of his own powers of prophetic rectitude. As for the "horrendous atrocities" and "harsh and destructive programs" we can only assume - since Chomsky, per usual, refuses to give specifics to his slanders - that he means the efforts of the Reagan administration to resist authoritarian socialism abroad and the hugely successful campaign to revitalize American capitalism and economic liberty at home. Since these efforts were overwhelmingly approved by the American electorate in the most massive electoral victory in history (not, as Chomsky claims, by the same percentage as this years more narrow, but still decisive, Republican victory) and proved immensely successful at regenerating the vital forces of American society, and, indeed, led directly to the preeminent economic, political, and military position of the United States in the world today; it is hardly surprising that such a perfect storm of rejection by the great unwashed and by the tide of history itself should turn Chomsky to spasms of apoplectic rage. Rage, however, is not truth; a lesson Chomsky ought to have learned a long time ago.
I don’t think that the Kerry campaign even tried to include the opinions of most of the population, including those who voted for Kerry. People will vote their class interests when they see some credible political force that might represent those interests. That’s not Kerry or the DLC. There are urban-rural differences, but even greater differences internal to each. We can reach out to people, urban or rural, by taking them and their concerns seriously, trying to understand them, and working to find ways to realize legitimate concerns, without compromising our own principles. The same way we work in, say, liberal academic communities, where there is also vast diversity.The lack of understanding and knowledge of the American political system on display here is rather stunning, and deserves a sustained commentary. Of course, vulgar Marxism aside, most Americans do not vote along class lines. Unlike Europe, American elections are generally decided by regional and ethnic loyalties rather than by class or ideological interests; a fact born out by the famous "red state vs. blue state" map, which clearly shows the country divided by regional blocs. The Democratic and Republican parties represent these competing geographical-ethnic blocs quite well and with fairly uncanny accuracy. The urban-rural divide is clearly a piece of this puzzle, but only a piece. In the previous election, it is clear that differences about social values, morality, religion, and, especially, security and foreign policy had the most decisive impact on voting patterns and the difference between the two parties was eminently clear on these issues, despite John Kerry's seemingly uncanny talents for equivocation. The motivations of the American electorate are more complex than simple class interests and I do not believe this is a vice, there is more to human beings than their material desires, something Chomsky and his ilk seem congenitally incapable of understanding.
Incidentally, Kerry and the DLC were not connected (Chomsky's reference is vague, but he seems to be implying one) in fact, they were largely ideologically opposed and the DLC is, rightly, seen as "Clintonista" held territory. Some have theorized that the Clinton faction was more interested in a Kerry defeat than a victory, in order to clear the way for Hillary's inevitable 2008 bid for the presidency; I am not a Clinton hater, but I think this theory has some weight to it.
As for the "vast diversity" of liberal academic communities, I can only say, to quote Ghandi on Western civilization, that it sounds like an excellent idea. I have long felt that most academic leftists desire to turn the entire country into a reflection of their totalitarian fiefdoms; its nice to have one's suspicions confirmed.
The election had about the significance of tossing a coin to pick a king. If the coin was slightly biased, that’s unfair, but not the main issue. The much more important point is that the opinions of the majority of the population were excluded from the political arena on major issues. People voted for the imagery concocted by the PR industry. Exit polls reveal that clearly. But to discover whether the imagery is accurate, we have to compare people’s attitudes and beliefs with the actual programs. There’s plenty of interesting and credible evidence on this, and when we investigate it, we discover that people were hopelessly misled. Voters for both candidates assumed, overwhelmingly, that the candidates held their views, which is demonstrably false. In fact, voters recognized that they could not vote on agenda/policies/programs/ideas—about 10% gave that as their reasons—but only on imagery. And in a society based crucially on deceit (what is advertising?), it is quite natural that the political managers and the PR industry will run elections the same way. To repeat, there is overwhelming evidence that the opinions of the majority of the population on major issues were simply off the agenda, either within the political parties or in mainstream discussion, with rare exceptions. That democratic deficit seems to me far more important than the possibility that the coin that was tossed was biased.As I have noted before, while Chomsky may not adopt the lifestyle of the anarchist tradition, he has nonetheless wholeheartedly adopted its studied contempt for representative democracy. One could put this down to a nasty case of overarticulated sour grapes, but I am more inclined to think that it indicates a deep-seated contempt for the institution itself, which, after all, grants to the average gas station attendant or certified public accountant the same weight in decision as self-regarded great minds like Noam Chomsky. The unmitigatedly galling experience of being transformed by the ballot box from a fervently worshipped guru to the desperately dissafected into just one of a hundred million slips of paper must be an intolerable experience for such a well-practiced narcissist as the good professor. Thus comes the desperate belief that the failure of the masses to heed the call of truth and liberation must be the result of conspiratorial "PR" manipulations and the blundering of the hopelessly misled. I don't know what exit polls Chomsky is referring to (perhaps the same ones which showed Kerry winning in a landslide), but facts are clearly not the issue here, what is the issue is that to accept the idea that the majority of the American people in fact voted in a convinced and reasonably well-informed manner would require at least some measure of acceptance and legitimation for one's ideological opposition, a thought akin to existential extermination for a confirmed fanatic whose life's work has been to construct a worldview into which no moderating force or opinion can possibly penetrate. This is no deficit of democracy, it is a deficit of character and ideology, and not merely Chomsky's, but one which has become the watchword of the entire radical Left under Chomskyite influence, and one which, through its contempt, if not its violence, is as much an enemy of democracy and the free society as any foreign tyrant or death-worshipping religious fascist.
Bush won slightly more than 30% of the electorate, Kerry slightly under 30%. I doubt that fraud had much to do with it. That’s about what I personally predicted, if that matters; am collecting some symbolic bets from friends, and even wrote about it a bit, on Znet. It is meaningless. It tells us virtually nothing about the country, just as it would tell us nothing if there had been a slight shift in votes and Kerry had won with a meaningless slight plurality...The progressive left is very substantial in scale, and could be far larger, including the large majority of the population, judging by highly credible public opinion studies that the press scarcely mentions, presumably because they understand that it is much too dangerous to allow people to understand that they are not alone in their views.Presumably, Chomsky is trying to claim that the "electorate" also includes those who did not vote, since, of those who did vote, Bush won north of 51%. Not a landslide, but nonetheless a respectable win, especially in today's polarized political moment, and one which, combined with historically groundbreaking Republican wins in the Congress, cannot be regarding as anything other than an outright and indisputable victory. What we are really dealing with here is the myth of the silent Leftist majority. This trope has been a popular one among Chomskyites for years, but there is no evidence whatsoever that it exists. Most studies on the subject find that those who don't vote would likely vote along the same lines as those who do (though this is, admittedly, a difficult subject to quantify accurately) and considering the rather decisive regional and ethnic divisions in the country, this seems to be likely. Furthermore, the significance of the non-voter phenomenon itself is greatly exaggerated. In purely statistical terms, the percentage of voters is routinely diminished by the overwhelming number of young voters who do not turn out (I think in this election, despite the best efforts of the entertainment industry, whose influence I have always felt to be vastly overstated, only 10% of under-25s actually went to the polls). Once one breaks the threshold of the age of 30, the number of voters climbs precipitously until one reaches senior citizens, whose turnout is routinely massive. Thus, the issue of non-voting is not one of PR manipulation, or political non-representation, or the lack of viable alternatives, but simply one of age and maturity. Unfortunately for Chomsky, it appears that the further people are from the average age of his audience, the more they vote; unfortunate, perhaps, for him, and the source of much frustration, no doubt, but not entirely tragic for the future of the Republic.
What we are really seeing here, of course, is not so much a commentary on the recent election but yet another asinine display of Chomsky's hopelessly narcississtic contempt for democracy and the intellectual and moral capacities of his fellow citizens. He is unwilling to accept the possibility of a real and meaningful election or a real and meaningful democracy should it fail to enshrine his pseudo-prophetic blubberings into official policy. Thus the system which fails to enshrine becomes a farce and the people who fail to heed become easily manipulated dupes incapable of forming or expressing their own opinions and values through a representative system. I have noted before the ominous origins and even more ominous potentialities of such an ideology, and the fact that it is swiftly gaining ground in the war of ideas among our intellectual elite. It may be, as Alain Finkielkraut was once quieried, that the anti-totalitarian era is over as quickly as it began. If so, it does not bode well for the future of the free society, or, for that matter, for criticism, liberation, or justice.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
To Bury the Rais and Not to Praise Him
I find myself in the odd situation of not knowing what to say about the somewhat anticlimactic death of Yasser Arafat. I think its ghoulish to celebrate the death of anyone, except perhaps the worst of monsters, and Arafat was, ultimately, little more than a thug and an assassin; certainly he was no Hitler or Stalin. He caused a plethora of pain and death in his life, although, ultimately, he probably brought more destruction and misery on his own people than he ever did on us. I am tempted to indulge in the sentiments of a film I once saw by a Russian-Jewish refugee in which a prisoner in one of Stalin's prison camps, upon hearing of the supreme leader's death, proclaims under his breath, "Haman is dead." But Arafat was no Haman, he was just another minstrel of violence,both physical and rhetorical, who was grandly horrendous or grandly tragic only in his inability to get beyond his negation of Jewish nationhood and make the leap into some kind of co-existence; but he certainly wasn't alone in that, and perhaps he hurt us most severely only to the extent that he disappointed our hopes that the war of negation that Arab society has waged against us for half a century might, at last, be over. The only thing I cautiously celebrate is the small possibility that the death of the minstrel may also mean the death of his only tragedy, and there may be, at last, some still, small light at the end of the tunnel.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
On the Front Page, Part III
My thanks to uber anti-Chomskyite David Horowitz and FrontPageMag for publishing my review of What Uncle Sam Really Wants. Its an honor to be in such distinguished counterrevolutionary company.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Woo Hooo!
Forgive the following offense against sober logic and reason, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to drop the scholarly veneer, since, as a great British comedian once said, I'm as happy as a Frenchman whose just invented a pair of self-removing trousers. The opposition concedes, the Chomskyites go down to ignominious defeat and truth, justice, liberty and freedom live to fight another day! Three million plus votes for Bush and the first outright majority since 1988. We have just recieved a decisive mandate for everything the radical Left hates and despises; it doesn't get better than this! A great day for America, for Israel, and for the cause of human liberty! God bless America, mom, God, apple pie and long live the counterrevolution!
Saturday, October 30, 2004
On the Election
I suppose the dreaded moment has arrived for me to jot down a few notes about the election. I suppose its fairly clear by now that I am not a Kerry supporter, but I think its worth a brief explanation as to why. Firstly, I don't think Kerry understands the situation we are currently involved in nor how to deal with it. I come from Massachusetts and I remember Kerry from way back. In my opinion, he has always been a notable intellectual and political mediocrity. The claim that he is a "flip-flopper" is, of course, electioneering, but there is a strong element of truth in it. This being said, I think Kerry does have something of a default position, a political center of gravity, as it were, and this has always been with the McGovernite Left wing of the Democratic Party. Taking this into consideration, a Kerry administration would be problematic not only because of the convictions of the man himself but also because of what he will bring with him into office. As others have noted, Kerry's political debts as well as his natural sympathies will undoubtedly lead to a resurgence of power and influence for the extreme Left of the Democratic Party; the Left with which Kerry stood when he slandered (and I do not use the term lightly) his fellow soldiers after Vietnam, the Left with which Kerry voted throughout the Reagan years in opposition to the Cold War, and the Left whose insidious falsehoods Kerry has echoed on many occasions when he felt their support waning; for instance, when Howard Dean appeared to be beating him to the nomination. Kerry's fetishistic approach to Europe is also a severe worry, and this goes to a deeper question: Kerry's intellectual mediocrity. I personally cannot understand the constant harping on Kerry's well-informed and nuanced understanding of the world; in my opinion, his grasp of foreign policy is short-sighted, close-minded, reactive, and almost shockingly unimaginative. He seems congenitally unable to grasp the realities of the world we live in today, and appears mired (as are his advisors, Richard Holbrooke most notable among them) in the elitist Left worldview that Europe's approach to foreign affairs is inherently superior to the American, all use of military force represents a failure to adequately employ diplomacy, and all problems in the world have a rational explanation and can be alleviated through the proper rearrangements of the international system. This way of thinking was outdated by 1945 and it hasn't aged well since. It certainly will do nothing to combat radical Islam and its use of terror and, in all likelihood, will not even succeed in the shallowest goal of improving America's image in Europe and the Islamic world. As far as I can tell, Kerry's grasp of the war on terror ends with Bin Laden and Al Queda; he does not see it as a broader struggle between competing ideologies and worldviews. This failure to formulate a "Kerry doctrine" to answer the Bush Doctrine is telling indeed; Kerry has had more than enough time to formulate a conception of the War on Terror from the Left (I refer again to Paul Berman's excellent Terror and Liberalism for an outline of such a conception) but he has not done so. He has rather left us with a series of piecemeal - and often obviously disingenuous - criticisms which, taken together, seem to boil down to the fact that Kerry would have done everything differently and better than the president. Some of Kerry's criticism's may well be legitimate, but without any overriding counter-proposal to the Bush Doctrine, they have to be seen as spiteful, cheap, and unhelpful election year demogoguery rather than a genuine and workable politics of opposition. Is Kerry a pacifist? No, but he seems to have no discernible position on when and how to use force in a different way from the president. Is he soft on terrorism? Unfortunately, I would have to say yes, if only out of ignorance, lack of imagination, and the influence of a political base which is still mired in the passions of 1968. Is he a Chomskyite? No, but he has no answer to the Chomskyites, and in a confrontation like the one we face today, that makes all the difference.
All of this is, of course, merely anti-Kerry. Are there discernible and cogent reasons to support president Bush? In my opinion, the answer is absolutely yes. The president, while he is hardly without his flaws (I am among those who cringe when he speaks in public) has nonetheless displayed a level of political courage over the past few years which, combined with a shift in foreign policy outlook that, while not entirely his creation, he has made synonymous with his administration, bodes well for the inevitable confrontations with the future. Most importantly, the president, unlike Kerry, is not burdened with a quarter-century of deep skepticism and often outright hostility towards his own country and its society. This lack of ideological baggage, with which Kerry would be forced to struggle every second of his administration, has given Bush the ability to see beyond the narrow limits of American liberalism's grasp of the world, bounded, as it is, on one side by Vietnam and on the other by the cringing acquiescence to European scorn. If Bush has not formulated a visionary foreign policy shift to deal with Islamic terror, most notably in the elevation of democracy and liberty's spread to a primary foreign policy priority of the United States, he has nevertheless embraced it wholeheartedly and faced down opposition to it which would have annihilated a lesser president. I simply cannot imagine a Kerry administration facing down the combined opposition of France, Germany, the United Nations, and the Left wing of Kerry's own party. Bush, whether one disagrees with him or not, deserves credit for courage, conviction and determination to accomplish the imperatives of the moment.
None of this, of course, means anything if the president's ideas are not good ones. I believe they are good ones, and it is worth explaining why. In my view, the claims of so-called "realist" foreign policy analysts regarding the possibilities of democracy in the Middle East and beyond are both defeatist and fundamentally wrong. There is nothing "realistic" in the belief that the current state of affairs in this neck of the woods - with Israel the only democracy and the illiberal nature of neighboring regimes granted near ecstatic indulgence - is workable in the long term. Sooner or later, all of the Arab regimes will fall, the question is whether they will be reconstituted as Islamic theocracies or as liberal democracies. Radical Islam is working hard to ensure the former, we must work equally tirelessly to ensure the latter. It may be that it may not always be possible to do so, but it is imperative that this goal stand astride the commanding heights of American foreign policy priorities, as it does in the case of the Bush administration and which it unquestionably would not in a Kerry administration.
You have probably noted that I have written nothing about the domestic policies of the two candidates. While this may be a flaw of mine, I simply do not consider domestic issues a priority in this election. We are living in a time more fateful than perhaps any of us have fully grasped, and the way for America to seize its fate and the fate of the world lies in that idea of liberty which has served us so well in the past and may yet still represent the first, best hope for the rest of the world as well. One candidate in this election understands this, the other does not. I believe that all of us ought to vote accordingly.
Whatever your voting intentions, democracy in action is a sublime event. Enjoy yourselves and, win or lose, savor the day.
All of this is, of course, merely anti-Kerry. Are there discernible and cogent reasons to support president Bush? In my opinion, the answer is absolutely yes. The president, while he is hardly without his flaws (I am among those who cringe when he speaks in public) has nonetheless displayed a level of political courage over the past few years which, combined with a shift in foreign policy outlook that, while not entirely his creation, he has made synonymous with his administration, bodes well for the inevitable confrontations with the future. Most importantly, the president, unlike Kerry, is not burdened with a quarter-century of deep skepticism and often outright hostility towards his own country and its society. This lack of ideological baggage, with which Kerry would be forced to struggle every second of his administration, has given Bush the ability to see beyond the narrow limits of American liberalism's grasp of the world, bounded, as it is, on one side by Vietnam and on the other by the cringing acquiescence to European scorn. If Bush has not formulated a visionary foreign policy shift to deal with Islamic terror, most notably in the elevation of democracy and liberty's spread to a primary foreign policy priority of the United States, he has nevertheless embraced it wholeheartedly and faced down opposition to it which would have annihilated a lesser president. I simply cannot imagine a Kerry administration facing down the combined opposition of France, Germany, the United Nations, and the Left wing of Kerry's own party. Bush, whether one disagrees with him or not, deserves credit for courage, conviction and determination to accomplish the imperatives of the moment.
None of this, of course, means anything if the president's ideas are not good ones. I believe they are good ones, and it is worth explaining why. In my view, the claims of so-called "realist" foreign policy analysts regarding the possibilities of democracy in the Middle East and beyond are both defeatist and fundamentally wrong. There is nothing "realistic" in the belief that the current state of affairs in this neck of the woods - with Israel the only democracy and the illiberal nature of neighboring regimes granted near ecstatic indulgence - is workable in the long term. Sooner or later, all of the Arab regimes will fall, the question is whether they will be reconstituted as Islamic theocracies or as liberal democracies. Radical Islam is working hard to ensure the former, we must work equally tirelessly to ensure the latter. It may be that it may not always be possible to do so, but it is imperative that this goal stand astride the commanding heights of American foreign policy priorities, as it does in the case of the Bush administration and which it unquestionably would not in a Kerry administration.
You have probably noted that I have written nothing about the domestic policies of the two candidates. While this may be a flaw of mine, I simply do not consider domestic issues a priority in this election. We are living in a time more fateful than perhaps any of us have fully grasped, and the way for America to seize its fate and the fate of the world lies in that idea of liberty which has served us so well in the past and may yet still represent the first, best hope for the rest of the world as well. One candidate in this election understands this, the other does not. I believe that all of us ought to vote accordingly.
Whatever your voting intentions, democracy in action is a sublime event. Enjoy yourselves and, win or lose, savor the day.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
A Great Day for Freedom
Just wanted to write a celebratory post in honor of PM Sharon's victory last night in the Knesset. This doesn't put an end to the controversy over disengagement, by any means, but its an encouraging sign that the popular front I was hoping for may be taking shape and the Israeli majority may get its say after all. Its also a tribute to the character of the Prime Minister and his courage in facing not only this difficult issue, but his own political past for the sake of Israel's future. I think Israel may finally have found its DeGaulle. More than anything else, though, this is a great day for Israeli democracy, especially if one keeps in mind that such an event could occur only in one country in the entire Middle East. I don't want to sound maudlin, but I am (cautiously) much more optimistic than I've been in a long time.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
My Apologies, Again
The school year just started (over here we start after the high holidays, so everything is about two months later than in the states) and I haven't had time for life itself, let alone writing. Things should settle down within the next few days and I will endeavor to start posting again ASAP.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
On Disengagement
I've just posted an article over at my non-Chomsky blog, its about Sharon's disengagement plan and what I think needs to happen politically to make it work. You may find it interesting. Enjoy.
Saturday, October 09, 2004
What Uncle Sam Really Wants: A Review
If Mr. Savage and others imagine that one can somehow "overcome" the German army by lying on one's back, let them go on imagining it, but let them also wonder occasionally whether this is not an illusion due to security, too much money, and a simple ignorance of the way in which things actually happen...
What I object to is the intellectual cowardice of people who are objectively and to some extent emotionally pro-Fascist, but who don't care to say so and take refuge behind the formula "I am just as anti-Fascist as anyone, but--". The result of that so-called peace propaganda is just as dishonest and intellectually disgusting as war propaganda. Like war propaganda, it concentrates on putting forward a "case", obscuring the opponent's point of view and avoiding awkward questions.
-George Orwell
In a saner world, his tireless efforts to promote justice would have long since won him the Nobel Peace Prize...
-Editors Forward to What Uncle Sam Really Wants
It is very rare that one gets to read a truly vile piece of political writing; one in which the veils of fanciful rhetoric and careful implication are pulled back and the bloody intentions of the author come through in clear and undisguised language and in all their horrifying banality. Certainly, Mein Kampf is the quintessential work of this kind, and The Communist Manifesto fairly drips with bloodthirsty rhetoric; but politics is first and foremost an art of obfuscation, and the kind of unabashed intellectual brutality on evidence in those two works is, to say the least, a rare commodity. It can be said with some confidence, however, that Noam Chomsky's What Uncle Sam Really Wants is just such a document. Like all of Chomsky's books, it is a hasty edited amalgam of interviews, speeches and short articles, and, as such, is not particularly noteworthy. It is noteworthy, however, in two ways: firstly, it is the closest thing we have to a Chomskyite manifesto, for, taken as a whole, it constitutes an attempt to formulate a broad, overarching moral critique of the United States' post-World War II foreign policy; though it fails in a most spectacular fashion, it is far more ambitious in its scope than most of Chomsky's other glorified pamphlets. Secondly, and far more important, is the directness of its language. Most of Chomsky's other writings are exercises in simultaneously saying and not saying, attempts at what Pierre Vidal-Naquet called Chomsky's "double discourse" in which mammoth amounts of effort and prose are dedicated to being as unclear as possible while simultaneously pandering to the double sentiments of Chomsky's dual audience: the radicals who come to him for his unabashed extremism, and his more moderate, liberal readers who he fears may be repulsed by precisely that. What Uncle Sam Really Wants, however, is having none of this. It is, in my opinion, the only piece of writing by Chomsky in which it is safe to say that, for the most part, he says what he really means; and what he really means is, without doubt, absolutely horrifying. I do not feel I exaggerate, and I do not use the word lightly, when I say that this is a manifesto of treason; it is the enraged ranting of a man who desires nothing less than the righteous annihilation of his own society; an invocation of the fiery vengeance of a righteous God upon a republic of sin. But it is more than that as well: it is a massive apologia for the most murderous form of tyranny that mankind ever invented; it is an anti-democratic aggrandizement of totalitarianism; it is a childish tantrum replete with rhetorical irresponsibility on a cosmic level and unrelentingly infantile slanders against many good and decent people; it is a whitewashing of class genocide and a denial of mass murder and political oppression; it is an inversion of moralities so total that Orwell himself would be hard pressed to untangle the web of its insidious abuse of ideas and the language in which such ideas are expressed; and last but not least, and with the realization that I dislike armchair psychology, it is the demented cry of someone who is, quite clearly, a moral and intellectual bankrupt, as well as a deeply emotionally disturbed human being.
The crux of this book, its primary catalytic factor, is neither unusual nor without precedent; it is the old Stalinist propaganda line, later adopted in a more anarchistic context by the European New Left, that Nazism was not defeated in World War II, but rather triumphed and came to dominate the modern world through its new manifestation: the United States of America.
In 1949, US espionage in Eastern Europe had been turned over to a network run by Reinhard Gehlen, who had headed Nazi military intelligence on the Eastern Front. This network was one part of the US-Nazi alliance that quickly absorbed many of the worst criminals, extending to operations in Latin America and elsewhere.One must give Chomsky credit here for at least finally coming out and saying what he has been insinuating and implying for most of his career: that the United States is Nazi Germany. Let us be as clear as possible here: Chomsky is not saying that the United States acts like Nazi Germany, or reminds him of Nazi Germany, or has Nazi-like aspects (and all of that would be ugly enough). He is saying, and not at all ambiguously, that that United States is Nazi Germany in the most literal sense: a Hitlerian monster which has slowly spread its tentacles (despite, apparently, the heroic efforts of the Soviet Union to present it with "anti-fascist" resistance) across the world, which it now dominates as a shadow Fourth Reich. This, for all intents and purposes, is the sum total of Chomsky's worldview as expressed in this book.
These operations included a "secret army" under US-Nazi auspices that sought to provide agents and military supplies to armies that had been established by and which were still operating inside the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe through the early 1950s. (This is known in the US but considered insignificant -- although it might raise a few eyebrows if the tables were turned and we discovered that, say, the Soviet Union had dropped agents and supplies to armies established by Hitler that were operating in the Rockies.)...
Since the United States was picking up where the Nazis had left off, it made perfect sense to employ specialists in antiresistance activities. Later on, when it became difficult or impossible to protect these useful folks in Europe, many of them (including Barbie) were spirited off to the United States or to Latin America, often with the help of the Vatican and fascist priests.
There they became military advisers to US-supported police states that were modeled, often quite openly, on the Third Reich. They also became drug dealers, weapons merchants, terrorists and educators -- teaching Latin American peasants torture techniques devised by the Gestapo. Some of the Nazis' students ended up in Central America, thus establishing a direct link between the death camps and the death squads -- all thanks to the postwar alliance between the US and the SS.
It is a mistake to dismiss this out of hand. The US equals Nazi Germany trope has made considerable headway in leftwing, and even non-leftwing, circles in Europe and around the world, and reading this book it is not difficult to see how the comparison of president Bush to Hitler has come to seem not only acceptable, but reflexively obvious to the anti-war movement: it has been part and parcel of the ideology of their foremost guru for decades.
Besides indulging the leftist tendency towards conspiracism, it is fairly obvious what purpose is served by invoking such an identification: it is a moral justification, an intellectual granting of indulgences to engage in the worst kinds of antinomianism. Put simply, once this trope has been accepted, the moral fetters fall away, and one is not merely justified, but enjoined to commit acts which would otherwise be of the most appalling possible nature. For if one is facing Nazi Germany, if you are the citizen of a state so permeated with industrial evil, then one has no choice but to destroy that society by any means at your command. Even the considered betrayal of one's own professed values becomes acceptable under the rubric of such an apocalyptic confrontation. Thus, through the original lie, a new truth is created; a truth by which, in the most classic Orwellian fashion imaginable, law becomes crime, truth becomes lie, love becomes hate, peace becomes war, war becomes peace, and treason, normally the most heinous of crimes against one's country and community, becomes the highest of moral acts. As soon as one accepts the lie that somehow, someway, Hitler is still alive, and his spirit permeates the very fabric of one's own society, then one is no longer betraying one's friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens, but saving them, liberating them even, from an evil only you are privileged to recognize and confront.
This lie is nothing less than the hinge upon which Chomsky's entire career turns, it is the one thing which justifies everything else: the denials of genocide, the apologetics for totalitarianism, the anti-American propaganda, the breezy dismissal of the most horrendous forms of human suffering, the lies upon lies upon lies; all of it can be justified as part of that glorious anti-fascist crusade that exists only in Chomsky's imagination. It is tempting to simply dismiss this worldview as insanity, but this is mistaken. Chomsky is not laboring under a psychosis; he is laboring under an existential falsehood, without it, he would effectively cease to exist. His entire conceptualization of the world, and with it the whole glorious edifice of the Chomskyite reputation, that unquantifiable thrill of worship, of being a guru to the fashionably disaffected, is threatened by the loss of the initial lie, and thus, the lie must be maintained, not out of insanity, but out of a most fundamental desperation; for without it, the emperor would not only be revealed as naked, but as a villain as well, and the accumulated intellectual atrocities of a lifetime might, at long last, have to be answered for; an eventuality Chomsky no doubt, and quite understandably, considering the breadth and variety of those atrocities, and the raw human cost they have accrued, devoutly wishes to avoid.
Most of this book deals with the Cold War, and Chomsky's historiography, or lack of it, while hardly original, is nonetheless a fascinating look at the contortions into which ideologues can twist themselves in order to avoid facing the painful but nonetheless decisive verdict of history. Chomsky's retelling of the Cold War is a classic retread of the various tropes manufactured in the early 1960s by the so-called "revisionist" historians of the Cold War, among the most prominent of which were Gabriel Kolko (who is one of the few sources Chomsky cites in the end notes who is not Chomsky himself) and, ironically enough, rightwing convert David Horowitz, whose Free World Colossus (which the author has now largely repudiated) was a seminal tract of the New Left and oft-raided for ideas by a great many lesser writers, Chomsky not least among them. According to this historiography, the Cold War was not the result of Stalin's refusal to remove his troops from Eastern Europe and allow free elections but rather the sinister imperial machinations of a United States determined to hold on to its newfound domination of the world.
American planners -- from those in the State Department to those on the Council on Foreign Relations (one major channel by which business leaders influence foreign policy) -- agreed that the dominance of the United States had to be maintained. But there was a spectrum of opinion about how to do it.This cabal of American planners (influenced, of course, by that eternal and blessedly amorphous villain known as "business leaders") engineered the conflict with the Soviet Union (aided and abetted, of course, by their newfound Nazi allies) and maintained it for the next fifty years, against a Soviet threat which did not, in fact, exist:
US planners recognized that the "threat" in Europe was not Soviet aggression (which serious analysts, like Dwight Eisenhower, did not anticipate) but rather the worker- and peasant-based antifascist resistance with its radical democratic ideals, and the political power and appeal of the local Communist parties.This novel theory; and we must thank Noam Chomsky for his boldness in stating it, for once, straightforwardly; is that the Cold War did not exist. Now, this theory is not altogether surprising, since Chomsky has something of a penchant for denying the existence of things; he has in recent years claimed that the War on Terror and anti-semitism do not exist, and has flirted with the possibility that the nonexistence of the Holocaust is a concept which any "apolitical sort of liberal" might legitimately hold; his denial of the Cold War, however, is nothing less than total and absolute.
To prevent an economic collapse that would enhance their influence, and to rebuild Western Europe's state-capitalist economies, the US instituted the Marshall Plan (under which Europe was provided with more than $12 billion in loans and grants between 1948 and 1951, funds used to purchase a third of US exports to Europe in the peak year of 1949)...
This "rotten apple theory" is called the domino theory for public consumption. The version used to frighten the public has Ho Chi Minh getting in a canoe and landing in California, and so on. Maybe some US leaders believe this nonsense -- it's possible -- but rational planners certainly don't.
According to the conventional view, the Cold War was a conflict between two superpowers, caused by Soviet aggression, in which we tried to contain the Soviet Union and protect the world from it. If this view is a doctrine of theology, there's no need to discuss it. If it is intended to shed some light on history, we can easily put it to the test, bearing in mind a very simple point: if you want to understand the Cold War, you should look at the events of the Cold War. If you do so, a very different picture emerges.Thus, not only was there no Cold War, but in fact there was a "tacit arrangement" between the US and the USSR (apparently, the US's Nazi allies were willing to overlook their anti-Bolshevism in the name of political expediency) an alliance of sorts, which Chomsky professes to condemn in equal terms. But he does not. While the Soviet Union may be " empire...brutal" it is nonetheless simply trying to protect its borders against the possibility of another attack on its territory by the hordes of the West. The US, on the other hand, is a world-dominating empire whose "repression and violence" extends across the world.
On the Soviet side, the events of the Cold War were repeated interventions in Eastern Europe: tanks in East Berlin and Budapest and Prague. These interventions took place along the route that was used to attack and virtually destroy Russia three times in this century alone. The invasion of Afghanistan is the one example of an intervention outside that route, though also on the Soviet border.
On the US side, intervention was worldwide, reflecting the status attained by the US as the first truly global power in history.
On the domestic front, the Cold War helped the Soviet Union entrench its military-bureaucratic ruling class in power, and it gave the US a way to compel its population to subsidize high-tech industry. It isn't easy to sell all that to the domestic populations. The technique used was the old stand-by-fear of a great enemy.
The Cold War provided that too. No matter how outlandish the idea that the Soviet Union and its tentacles were strangling the West, the "Evil Empire" was in fact evil, was an empire and was brutal. Each superpower controlled its primary enemy -- its own population -- by terrifying it with the (quite real) crimes of the other.
In crucial respects, then, the Cold War was a kind of tacit arrangement between the Soviet Union and the United States under which the US conducted its wars against the Third World and controlled its allies in Europe, while the Soviet rulers kept an iron grip on their own internal empire and their satellites in Eastern Europe -- each side using the other to justify repression and violence in its own domains.
Now, this point of view is by no means unprecedented; it has, in fact, a long though by no means proud pedigree. Its real ideological forefathers were the likes of A.J. Muste, a World War II era Christian pacifist and sometime New Left hero who was the subject of a hagiographic article in Chomsky's first major collection of political writing, American Power and the New Mandarins. Muste and his fellow travelers made the same claim that many Leftists had made after the First World War: that both sides were morally identical, or rather identically morally contemptible, and the war was a result of little more than competing imperial ambitions which distinguished neither side as worthy of support or fealty. Under this point of view, Nazi Germany was certainly brutal and oppressive, but it was nonetheless no more brutal and oppressive than the British Empire, and Hitler was, after all, only trying to grab a piece of the imperial pie that was infinity smaller than the vastness of the domains under the British yoke. The Japanese empire might be horrifyingly violent at times, but their tactics were hardly any worse than those of their European predecessors, and after all, one could hardly blame them for wanting to insure an Asia for Asians in the face of centuries of European expansionism at their expense. As for the difference between Hitler and Churchill, there was none, both were war-mongering imperialists trying to grab as much of the world as they could through identically gangsteresque methods. Thus, the only conclusion to be drawn in the face of global conflict was that all combatants were equally morally bereft and reprehensible. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Hitler were, in effect, equal representatives of an identical evil.
As offensive as this theory may sound to Americans - and especially to Jews, who know its implications with dark intimacy - it has gained a considerable following in Germany, France, and other countries which collaborated with the Nazis, for fairly obvious reasons of psychological necessity, as well as among those nationalists of the Third World who sided with Nazi Germany during World War II in the short sighted hope of toppling the British Empire and securing independence from a triumphant Hitler. Its horrifying implications should be obvious, however, for it is, quite simply, an ideological position of astonishing moral bankruptcy. For if Roosevelt is Hitler, if Hitler is equal to all, then no one is Hitler, and rather than democracy being demonized Nazism is normalized, and a horrendous crime against basic human truth and decency is committed. It was this terrible insinuation that George Orwell recognized and attacked as "[T]he intellectual cowardice of people who are objectively and to some extent emotionally pro-Fascist, but who don't care to say so and take refuge behind the formula 'I am just as anti-Fascist as anyone, but--'"
Applied to the Cold War, this equation is no less disturbing, for in examining it, it is necessary to examine what the Soviet Union was, as opposed to what Noam Chomsky claims it was.
At the point the Cold War began, the Soviet Union was a nation governed by a single political party which despotically ruled over every aspect of life. This party had seized power by force in an illegitimate coup d'etat; murdered, imprisoned or exiled its political opponents; ruined its country's economy in a misbegotten attempt to impose a totalist collective economic system which sought to, among other things, eliminate the use of money; engineered a famine which killed millions of its citizens due to its collectivist agricultural policies (which North Vietnam would later attempt to emulate, with identical results); committed class genocide against the burgeoning peasant middle class; resubjugated the czar's former imperial domains outside Russia; brutally put down its religious and ethnic minorities; cold-bloodedly murdered the former royal family, which included, among others, a teenage hemophiliac; sent millions to the firing squads or to prison camps of extraordinary sadism and violence; completely abrogated all democratic rights, including the right of unions to organize; formed a strategic alliance with Nazi Germany; sent the country down to military disaster due to its military incompetence; and, finally, refused to abide by agreements it had reached with its allies over the status of the Eastern European countries it occupied at the end of World War II, preferring instead to deal in expansionist and, it is worth noting, exceedingly ruthless and brutal empire building.
Looking at the facts of Soviet history, it appears to the objective observer that, contrary to there being no difference between the United States and the Soviet Union, it is difficult to see what difference exists between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
The United States, in contrast, ended the Second World War with a massive demobilization and a naive surety among its elites that the era of power politics was over and international conflicts would soon be purely the domain of the United Nations. The cause of the Cold War was, in fact, not the aggression and imperial ambitions of the United States, but the failure of the US political, and especially the foreign policy, elite to learn the lessons of Munich which ought to have been clear to them after so much carnage. Blinded by their New Deal-era liberalism, they could not conceive of the fact that Stalin was interested in keeping and protecting his territorial gains, that protestations of morality or principle meant nothing to him, and that it would be impossible to move him without the use, or at least the threat, of military force. It is my opinion that, had that force been used at the early stages after the war, before the occupation was politically stable and before the USSR possesed the atomic bomb, Stalin would likely have backed down and the entire Cold War been avoided. For Chomsky, of course, there is a ready and welcome answer to these facts: they do not exist.
Nor is Chomsky's claim that Russia did not intervene on a global scale equal to the status of a superpower any closer to the truth. In fact, it was the very nature of the Soviet Union's communist ideology to act agressively beyond its borders. Even in the earliest days of the Bolshevik regime, it belabored under an agenda that was openly international and expansionist. As the historian Richard Pipes puts it:
The Bolsheviks neither could nor would subscribe to the principles of international law and diplomacy that Western Europe had worked out during the preceding 400 years. In particular, they rejected the notion that states respected each other's sovereignty and dealt with each other only at the governmental level. As revolutionaries, they recognizes neither the principle of sovereignty nor the legitimacy of existing governments...After its victory in World War II, this expansionism became global. It fomented prospective revolution in Greece; blockaded Berlin in violation of its agreements with the West; authorized the invasion of South Korea, armed and advised by the Red Army, in the mistaken belief that the West would not intervene (as indeed it had not in Eastern Europe); provided arms, soldiers, advisors, and the protective cover of its nuclear deterrent to North Vietnam, Cuba, Syria, and Nasserist Egypt among others; sent proxy armies to Africa and Asia; and provided money, advice, and diplomatic cover to communist movements all over the Third World and, for that matter, in Europe, through which it organized political opposition in the West to anti-communist policies. As for the "repeated interventions in Eastern Europe" which Chomsky so breezily glosses over like a throat-clearing cough, it is important to remember just what these interventions were: brutal, imperialist impositions of a totalitarian system on populations which did not want them, and the continuation of Nazi Germany's policy of suppressing the long-held and long-frustrated ambitions of those nations for national independence and freedom. The occupation of Eastern Europe was, quite simply, one of the longest and most obscene sustained crimes against humanity of the late, unlamented last century. At least Noam Chomsky admits that it existed. That is, perhaps, the best that we can hope for.
While intervening freely in the internal affairs of other countries, the Bolsheviks indignantly rejected as "imperialism" any such interference on the part of foreign governments in their own country.
- A Concise History of the Russian Revolution, p. 167
He is less generous, however, in regards to the end of that occupation:
What was remarkable about the events in Eastern Europe in the 1980s was that the imperial power simply backed off. Not only did the USSR permit popular movements to function, it actually encouraged them. There are few historical precedents for that…Apparently, we are to believe that the Soviet Union was the single most humane empire ever to exist in world history and, as soon as its subjects began to express minor disagreement with their political situation, it happily encouraged their independence and then allowed to go free like children at last taking their first, awkward steps away from their parents.
Elsewhere in Eastern Europe, the uprisings were remarkably peaceful. There was some repression, but historically, 1989 was unique. I can't think of another case that comes close to it.
I think the prospects are pretty dim for Eastern Europe. The West has a plan for it -- they want to turn large parts of it into a new, easily exploitable part of the Third World…
With the collapse of the Soviet system, there's an opportunity to revive the lively and vigorous libertarian socialist thought that was not able to withstand the doctrinal and repressive assaults of the major systems of power. How large a hope that is, we cannot know. But at least one roadblock has been removed. In that sense, the disappearance of the Soviet Union is a small victory for socialism, much as the defeat of the fascist powers was.
This has to qualify as one of the most obscenely immoral distortions of history I have ever read. It is a vicious and despicable insult to the hundreds of thousands of brave people - real dissidents, not self-satisfied gadflys like Chomsky - who risked prison, execution, poverty, persecution, and a thousand other petty humiliations and repressions at the hands of the Soviet overlords and their puppet governments, who sought to suppress, and not encourage their movements. People like Vaclav Havel, who Chomsky has verbally insulted, who spent years in prison for his writings; people like those who died trying to do nothing more than surmount the wall the Russians had to build to keep people under their heel in East Berlin and were shot for their troubles; and thousands of others whose names are unknown or will never be known, because they disappeared in the middle of the night, or were sent to prison never to return. Contrary to Chomsky’s frenzied apologetics for leftist tyranny, the Soviet Empire did not go gentle into that good night, it fell apart because it was exhausted by the concerted resistance of the Western democracies, under the leadership of the United States, a resistance which was called the Cold War; but it is no wonder Chomsky can’t understand the fall of the Soviet Empire, since that resistance so appals and terrifies him that he can do nothing but pretend that it never existed.
It falls to us, therefore, to make some judgment on this equation which Chomsky presents us with such unprecedented clarity. To say it is bankrupt is, perhaps, obvious. To say it is illusory is to engage in understatement. To say it is disingenuous is only to scratch the surface of what is at work in this fascinating little house of intellectual cards. What we are looking at, in fact, is a leveling of sorts; a raising up of evil by a lowering of good; a lowering of truth by an ascendancy of lies. By turning a brutally oppressive totalitarian empire into an aggrieved and relatively innocent victim, and its democratic opponent into a tyrannical imperial overlord of rapacious and bloodthirsty appetite is, ultimately, to be more than "objectively pro-fascist", but to become, to coin a phrase, a mandarin of sorts, a comfortably ensconced fellow traveler of little courage but much alacrity. For despite his protestations of objectivity, the very fact of that objectivity tells us that Chomsky has come to praise tyranny and not to bury it, to do violence to truth and to seek after lies, and, ultimately, to insure that, were such a confrontation to emerge again (as indeed it now has), those who follow him will be prepared, not to confront political evil when they see it, but to view it with equanimity, scant concern, and even, perhaps, sympathy.
Chomsky made his name in the post-Stalinist era of the radical Left, at a point when the main focus of Leftist ambitions was no longer the Soviet Union, whose atrocities were becoming impossible to ignore and thus was more and more difficult to forthrightly support - at least in democratic societies - without appearing increasingly foolish, but rather the emerging nations of the Third World, which were generally moving in the direction of the communist bloc, and increasingly displaying authoritarian collectivist and anti-American tendencies. As has occasionally been said: the Third World was becoming the new proletariat. In effect, the radical Left finally abandoned the possibility of a working-class revolution at home and, instead, put its faith in the coming global revolution they were all certain was inevitable (if the US-Nazi alliance could be thwarted). All the frenzied, utopian dreams - and, of course, illusions - which had once been invested in the possibilities of domestic revolution were now transferred to the even headier prospect of global revolution. In many ways, the ambitions of this new era were even more grandiose and fantastical than those of its predecessors, for not only did they propose the messianic redemption of a single nation or class but, quite literally, the entire world.
It is important to note, however, that while this New Left, as it has ever since been termed, pronounced a break with the authoritarian traditions of the past, and with their attendant shortcomings (to put it very mildly) this break, for the most part, existed only the minds of its advocates. With an almost uncanny precision, this New Left reproduced the failures, the abuses, and the atrocities of its predecessor. It is this dissonance, this terrible fact of the distance between the New Left's conception of itself and the bloody truth of its history, that drives this book and, indeed, Chomsky's entire career. For a good part of this book is, to put it in pointed terms, little more than a massive apologia for some of the most brutal and oppressive regimes of the past half-century. First and foremost among them, of course, is Chomsky's beloved North Vietnam, for which he has carried the torch for the better part of four decades. And here, again, there are a great many things which do not exist.
By 1948, the State Department recognized quite clearly that the Viet Minh, the anti-French resistance led by Ho Chi Minh, was the national movement of Vietnam. But the Viet Minh did not cede control to the local oligarchy. It favored independent development and ignored the interests of foreign investors...Among these things which do not exist are the fact that the VietMinh were totalitarian communists of the Stalinist variety sponsored by, at various times, Maoist China and the Soviet Union; the fact that they were only one part of the anti-French resistance, which also included Trotskyites and other dissident socialists, as well as non-socialist nationalist groups, all of whom were purged, exiled, or killed by Ho Chi Minh's government; the fact that the North committed mass murder in its consolidation of power and caused immense human suffering in the course of its Stalinist-style agricultural reforms; the fact that elections were canceled at the request of the South Vietnamese government, mainly because of two factors: the obvious fact that the communist North had no intention of allowing a free and fair election in the areas under its control and the even more obvious fact that the growing communist violence in the South, under the North's direction, would make a viable outcome impossible; the fact that it was the communist bloc, and not the United States, which violated the neutrality of Laos; the fact that the North consolidated its insurgency in the South through the assassination of non-communist officials, terrorism, and other familiar forms of totalitarian violence; the fact that over a million Vietnamese fled from the North to the non-communist South over the course of the war; the fact that the Diem government was considered a model reformist regime even by anti-war journalists and historians until the North-sponsored subversion caused him to clamp down on the population at large (thus playing directly into the hands of the communists); and, most of all, the fact that the eventual communist victory, duly celebrated by Chomsky and his fellow travelers, resulted in mass murder, exile, and a vicious campaign of ethnic cleansing, something which any non-deluded student of previous communist regimes would have seen, and, indeed, a great many did see, as the obvious outcome of just such a victory. Of course, the acknowledgement of a single one of these facts would collapse the carefully constructed edifice of Chomsky's indictment of anti-communist resistance, whether on the part of the United States or on the part of indigenous Vietnamese forces. Chomsky's moral indictment depends on a studied amorality: the denial of any crime committed by those to whom he claims ideological fealty. Perhaps it is safer to call it an anti-morality, for in its lexicon, to resist the slaughter inherent in totalitarianism is nothing less than the ultimate of sins, and submission to its oppressions the highest of commandments.
Instead, we installed a typical Latin American-style terror state in South Vietnam, subverted the only free elections in the history of Laos because the wrong side won, and blocked elections in Vietnam because it was obvious the wrong side was going to win there too.
Naturally, Chomsky's sacred Vietnam cannot be allowed to bear the slightest cut; all its shortcomings are due to the machinations of the hegemon:
In order to bleed Vietnam, we've supported the Khmer Rouge indirectly through our allies, China and Thailand. The Cambodians have to pay with their blood so we can make sure there isn't any recovery in Vietnam. The Vietnamese have to be punished for having resisted US violence.In fact, it was Chomsky who supported the Khmer Rouge, at least while they had any real political power, and did so, ironically, just at the moment when they were showing some particularly Nazi-like tendencies (which, of course, he dismissed as fabrications of the US-Nazi alliance). The Cambodians were made to pay with their blood by the Khmer Rouge and then the Vietnamese invasion and occupation (both supported by Chomsky and left unmentioned, or perhaps non-existent, here) all in the service of the by then late Ho Chi Minh's imperialist vision of a greater Indochinese empire dominated by a communist Vietnam. And while Vietnam may be a basket case, it needed no help from the American imperium in becoming so; like every other communist nation that has ever existed, it was the collectivist tyranny imposed by its ruling party which, even with the help of massive infusions of money and material from the Soviet Union, destroyed Vietnam's economy and rendered its people helpless slaves to an ossified and corrupted oligarchy. This trope is nothing more than a New Left regurgitation of the same line sputtered by pro-communist intellectuals ever since the Russian Revolution, with hardly a note changed or out of place: that the experiment has only failed because it has never been tried, or because of sabotage by insidious outside forces. It is fascinating to watch identical lies being invoked to justify identical atrocities by people who, by all accounts, including their own, ought to know better. One has to think that, while Chomsky may bluster moral indignation at the prospect of the United States refusing to do business with such a regime, had he actually been forced to live under it, or witness the human cost behind his sputtering buzzwords, he might feel differently. On the other hand, reading all of this righteous denunciation and apocalyptic rhetoric, all in the service of mass murder, tyranny, and oppression, one is forced to conclude, contrary to Chomsky's claim that "No degree of cruelty is too great for Washington sadists," that it is more accurate to say that no degree of cruelty can shake the demagogical convictions of certain tenured fanatics.
Contrary to what virtually everyone -- left or right -- says, the United States achieved its major objectives in Indochina. Vietnam was demolished. There's no danger that successful development there will provide a model for other nations in the region....
But our basic goal -- the crucial one, the one that really counted -- was to destroy the virus, and we did achieve that. Vietnam is a basket case, and the US is doing what it can to keep it that way. In October 1991, the US once again overrode the strenuous objections of its allies in Europe and Japan, and renewed the embargo and sanctions against Vietnam. The Third World must learn that no one dare raise their head. The global enforcer will persecute them relentlessly if they commit this unspeakable crime.
Of course, this by no means ends with the war in Vietnam. That would be unbecoming of a hegemon as all encompassing as the US-Nazi alliance.
US policies in the Third World are easy to understand. We've consistently opposed democracy if its results can't be controlled. The problem with real democracies is that they're likely to fall prey to the heresy that governments should respond to the needs of their own population, instead of those of US investors…Once again, we witness the extraordinary power of things not existing. Since the Soviet empire does not exist, and the threat of communist hegemony does not exist, then the only explanation for US resistance to communist movements in the Third World (which, it also appears, do not exist, or, at least, did not exist as communist movements) is its Nazistic nature. This makes it more understandable why, despite the Sadeian pleasure Chomsky clearly takes in describing acts of torture and murder when committed by the right people, there is not a word to be found here about Castro’s prisons; Leftwing terrorism; the totalitarian nature of the Sandanista regime, including its attempts to implement Cuban-style land reform at the expense of the peasents who later formed the Contra resistance; or the fact that the “mild social revolution” in Grenada was, in fact, a Marxist coup. Nor, indeed, is there any mention of Soviet support for these movements or regimes, nor the immense geo-political desirability for the Soviets of having proxy governments so close geographically to the United States and the perfectly logical (but unfortunately less than Nazistic) desire of the United States to resist the implementation of such movements or regimes.
The methods are not very pretty. What the US-run contra forces did in Nicaragua, or what our terrorist proxies do in El Salvador or Guatemala, isn't only ordinary killing. A major element is brutal, sadistic torture -- beating infants against rocks, hanging women by their feet with their breasts cut off and the skin of their face peeled back so that they'll bleed to death, chopping people's heads off and putting them on stakes. The point is to crush independent nationalism and popular forces that might bring about meaningful democracy…
Grenada has a hundred thousand people who produce a little nutmeg, and you could hardly find it on a map. But when Grenada began to undergo a mild social revolution, Washington quickly moved to destroy the threat.
From the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 till the collapse of the Communist governments in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s, it was possible to justify every US attack as a defense against the Soviet threat. So when the United States invaded Grenada in 1983, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff explained that, in the event of a Soviet attack on Western Europe, a hostile Grenada could interdict oil supplies from the Caribbean to Western Europe and we wouldn't be able to defend our beleaguered allies. Now this sounds comical, but that kind of story helps mobilize public support for aggression, terror and subversion.
The attack against Nicaragua was justified by the claim that if we don't stop "them" there, they'll be pouring across the border at Harlingen, Texas -- just two days' drive away. (For educated people, there were more sophisticated variants, just about as plausible…)
The weaker and poorer a country is, the more dangerous it is as an example. If a tiny, poor country like Grenada can succeed in bringing about a better life for its people, some other place that has more resources will ask, "why not us?"
Nor does Chomsky have much luck with his threadbare straw men, since, contrary to the lies of numerous leftwing intellectuals, the fear of the illegal and dictatorial Sandanista regime was not that it might invade Texas, but rather that it would tip the geostrategic equation in Central America in the direction of the Soviet Bloc (as, indeed, for a time, it did; just as the loss of Vietnam did the same in Southeast Asia). To elucidate this theory, however, would require a certain modicum of knowledge about the workings of geopolitics and military strategy; two subjects about which Chomsky has a lamentably limited grasp. Which is how he can make such a ludicrous statement as this one:
If you want a global system that's subordinated to the needs of US investors, you can't let pieces of it wander off. It's striking how clearly this is stated in the documentary record -- even in the public record at times. Take Chile under Allende.At least Chomsky does not attempt to parrot the propaganda line that the CIA overthrew Allende, nor the preposterous assertion that Allende was a democratic socialist, but this may be simple ignorance, since, if he knew anything about the subject, he would know that Allende’s publicly stated intention was not to make Chile "independent" - which, in any case, it already was - but to remake its society along Cuban lines and bring it into the Soviet sphere of influence, thus giving the Soviets a South American imperial base of operations to complement its Central American client state of Cuba, an eventuality which any competent Secretary of State (or any competent analyst of foreign policy for that matter) would find slightly worrisome.
Chile is a fairly big place, with a lot of natural resources, but again, the United States wasn't going to collapse if Chile became independent. Why were we so concerned about it? According to Kissinger, Chile was a "virus" that would "infect" the region with effects all the way to Italy.
That's why even the tiniest speck poses such a threat, and may have to be crushed.
Naturally, hypocrisy has its place here as well:
Reagan used them to launch a large-scale terrorist war against Nicaragua, combined with economic warfare that was even more lethal. We also intimidated other countries so they wouldn't send aid either...Apparently, it is Chomsky who cannot abide democratic elections when the results cannot be controlled. It is worth wondering if he considers himself a “kind of Nazi or unreconstructed Stalinist” for lamenting the aborted elections in Vietnam.
Third, we used diplomatic fakery to crush Nicaragua. As Tony Avirgan wrote in the Costa Rican journal Mesoamerica, "the Sandinistas fell for a scam perpetrated by Costa Rican president Oscar Arias and the other Central American Presidents, which cost them the February [1990] elections...
You have to be some kind of Nazi or unreconstructed Stalinist to regard an election conducted under such conditions as free and fair.
US achievements in Central America in the past fifteen years are a major tragedy, not just because of the appalling human cost, but because a decade ago there were prospects for real progress towards meaningful democracy and meeting human needs, with early successes in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua.In fact, it is the glorious future of totalitarian collectivist government which has been successfully aborted, and hopefully forever, but much, it seems, to the chagrin of Noam Chomsky.
These efforts might have worked and might have taught useful lessons to others plagued with similar problems -- which, of course, was exactly what US planners feared. The threat has been successfully aborted, perhaps forever.
There is, of course, method in all this madness. It is first and foremost to create a hermetically sealed ideological environment, for fanaticism can thrive in no other surroundings. Chomsky’s intention is directed unabashedly towards control of his reader’s thinking, to exploit their ignorance to his advantage, and to extol them to think for themselves while denying them the possibility of doing precisely that, lest they stray into what the Old Left might have termed “ideological deviationism”. As Orwell himself elucidated in 1984, this demands control of both language and history. We have already seen how Chomsky attempts to control his reader’s conceptualization of history by obfuscation, omission, and outright distortionism, but What Uncle Sam Really Wants is also a masterpiece of the perversion of the English language for ideological ends. Chomsky is desperate, almost to the point of eccentricity, to control the terms of the intellectual battle. Thus unintentionally hilarious assertions such as this:
We must therefore combat a dangerous heresy..."the idea that the government has direct responsibility for the welfare of the people."Of course, “the idea that the government has direct responsibility for the welfare of the people" could easily describe the British post-war Labor government, the Israeli welfare state, or, for that matter, the Roosevelt era New Deal, none of which had anything to do with the force the United States confronted in the (non-existent?) Cold War. Putting aside the fact that for most of the 70s and 80s it was impossible to label anything communist (even members of the Communist Party like Angela Davis, who were routinely referred to as “liberals”), so successful was the New Left’s assault on the political lexicon, who was and was not considered a communist in the Cold War was fairly clear. Communist regimes or movements were those which aligned themselves ideologically with communist ideology and politically/militarily with the Soviet Union. Thus Castro was a communist and Nasser was not, even though Nasser was as close to the Soviets for a time as Castro ever was and did dabble in a brand of Arab nationalist socialism. Chomsky should check the history books he clearly never reads before making such statements. Nor is the topic of communism the only one about which Chomsky displays a remarkably eccentric, and noticeably willful, ignorance:
US planners call that idea Communism, whatever the actual political views of the people advocating it. They can be Church-based self-help groups or whatever, but if they support this heresy, they're Communists.
One can debate the meaning of the term "socialism," but if it means anything, it means control of production by the workers themselves, not owners and managers who rule them and control all decisions, whether in capitalist enterprises or an absolutist state.Once again, the flimsiest of straw men appears. In fact, socialism is a massive, encompassing ideology which includes many strains and revisions. Generally, they all advocate a collectivist society, centrally governed, with a greater or lesser abolition of private policy and most of the basic resources and services owned and dispersed by the state, or, at the very least, not in private hands. The Bolsheviks were many things, of course, but if they were anything, they were unquestionably socialists; doctrinally, politically, and organizationally. They were self-identified as such and identified as such by others (in fact, by everyone except Noam Chomsky). They subscribed unreservedly to the three principles I have mentioned above, as well as to the intellectual and revolutionary tradition of socialism, and most especially Marxism. The methods by which they sought to remake Russian society and the final goals they espoused, and for which they murdered so many, were those of the socialist utopia, as they were expressed by Marx and others, which held the “commanding heights” – as Lenin put it - of Russian society from the day of the Revolution until the day of the USSR’s collapse. This simple truth, obvious and known to all thinking people, must be negated by Chomsky for a simple reason: it would force him to answer for the terrible indictment of the socialist ideal which is the history of the Soviet Union, and would, once that indictment is complete and undeniable, demand that he reckon with the justice of the United States’s effort to oppose and contain that force whose horrendous aspect Chomsky would then be unable to expurge from history. Chomsky's denial of essential realities is not madness, but ideological necessity; it is merely another brick in the wall of his echo chamber.
To refer to the Soviet Union as socialist is an interesting case of doctrinal doublespeak. The Bolshevik coup of October 1917 placed state power in the hands of Lenin and Trotsky, who moved quickly to dismantle the incipient socialist institutions that had grown up during the popular revolution of the preceding months -- the factory councils, the Soviets, in fact any organ of popular control -- and to convert the workforce into what they called a "labor army" under the command of the leader. In any meaningful sense of the term "socialism," the Bolsheviks moved at once to destroy its existing elements. No socialist deviation has been permitted since...
The world's two major propaganda systems did not agree on much, but they did agree on using the term socialism to refer to the immediate destruction of every element of socialism by the Bolsheviks. That's not too surprising. The Bolsheviks called their system socialist so as to exploit the moral prestige of socialism.
Take democracy. According to the common-sense meaning, a society is democratic to the extent that people can participate in a meaningful way in managing their affairs. But the doctrinal meaning of democracy is different -- it refers to a system in which decisions are made by sectors of the business community and related elites. The public are to be only "spectators of action," not "participants," as leading democratic theorists (in this case, Walter Lippmann) have explained. They are permitted to ratify the decisions of their betters and to lend their support to one or another of them, but not to interfere with matters -- like public policy -- that are none of their business.In fact, democracy means, simply “rule by the people”; that is, some system in which the power is not held by a monarch, dictator, or oligarchy who are unanswerable to some form of political accountability. In the modern era, it has generally meant a system of representative government. Most countries have opted for a parliamentary version of this system, the United States has a constitutional republic. In keeping with the anarchist tradition to which he sometimes claims adherence, which always denounced representative democracy as a bourgeois conspiracy, Chomsky derides all this as a farce, as well he might, for if he admitted to the reality of American democracy, he would have to admit that the American people have, overwhelmingly, rejected anything resembling his own ideology ever since it managed to capture the Democratic Party in 1972. Even more horrifying from his point of view, he would have to admit that the government and society he has been so ferociously denouncing has, in fact, been legitimately chosen, and, thus, he himself would be transformed from his fanciful view of himself as a holy spokesman of the people into a tribune of a fanatical elite dedicated to rule by fiat over a populace which does not want them and would not vote for them; a prospect which, ironically, sounds remarkably like his own definition of what is not socialism. Perhaps Chomsky isn’t a socialist after all, if only by his own definition.
If segments of the public depart from their apathy and begin to organize and enter the public arena, that's not democracy. Rather, it's a crisis of democracy in proper technical usage, a threat that has to be overcome in one or another way: in El Salvador, by death squads -- at home, by more subtle and indirect means.
Or take free enterprise, a term that refers, in practice, to a system of public subsidy and private profit, with massive government intervention in the economy to maintain a welfare state for the rich. In fact, in acceptable usage, just about any phrase containing the word "free" is likely to mean something like the opposite of its actual meaning.Free enterprise, according to Chomsky, apparently amounts to Great Society Liberalism. It is difficult to comment on the writings of someone so clearly ignorant of the basic laws of economics, but the fact that free enterprise means private property and economic growth seems to have escaped him; as has the idea that people ought to have freedom of choice as to their economic decisions, i.e. what they want to buy and from whom; or that the prospect of becoming wealthy has proven remarkably adept at motivating technological and economic progress, such as the electric light, the car, or even the computer upon which I am typing this and, likely enough, the company through which Chomsky publishes his books, which I am inclined to think does not operate at a loss and would not publish Mr. Chomsky’s work if it were unlikely to turn much of a profit. What Chomsky is engaged in here is little more than the desperate assertion one is used to hearing from advocates of a controlled economy, i.e. that all economies are controlled so why bother arguing about it. Of course, this is a fundamentally asinine line of reasoning, since the issue is not whether an economy is free in the absolute, Platonic sense, which is something which could only have significance for a tenured intellectual, but whether it is free enough to produce the required dynamism to provide for affluence and economic liberty, something which no controlled economy has ever been able to do. Free enterprise is simply the situation in which the idea of a dynamic, unfettered economy holds the commanding heights of the economic system. Not difficult to grasp, but all too much, apparently, for the good professor.
Or take defense against aggression, a phrase that's used -- predictably -- to refer to aggression. When the US attacked South Vietnam in the early 1960s, the liberal hero Adlai Stevenson (among others) explained that we were defending South Vietnam against "internal aggression" -- that is, the aggression of South Vietnamese peasants against the US air force and a US-run mercenary army, which were driving them out of their homes and into concentration camps where they could be "protected" from the southern guerrillas. In fact, these peasants willingly supported the guerillas, while the US client regime was an empty shell, as was agreed on all sides.There is no end, apparently, to the apologetics rendered in the name of totalitarianism, and, apparently, the bloodier the better. I have already noted the nature of the insurgency in South Vietnam, something accepted by all reputable historians of the conflict, even those who disapproved of it politically. I will not comment on it further; Chomsky’s ardent apologetics for the mass murder of those with whom he politically disagrees is a matter for him and his conscience, though I do not place great hopes in the capacities of the latter. I will say only what I have said once or twice before: that had Noam Chomsky never existed, George Orwell could have created him.
Or take the term peace process. The naive might think that it refers to efforts to seek peace. Under this meaning, we would say that the peace process in the Middle East includes, for example, the offer of a full peace treaty to Israel by President Sadat of Egypt in 1971, along lines advocated by virtually the entire world, including official US policy; the Security Council resolution of January 1976 introduced by the major Arab states with the backing of the PLO, which called for a two-state settlement of the Arab-Israel conflict in the terms of a near-universal international consensus; PLO offers through the 1980s to negotiate with Israel for mutual recognition; and annual votes at the UN General Assembly, most recently in December 1990 (voted 144-2), calling for an international conference on the Israel-Arab problem, etc.Of course, outright lies are always useful when nothing else is available. Apparently, we may add the Egyptian/Syrian surprise attack and following Yom Kippur War of 1973 to our list of things which do not exist; as well as the Khartoum Conference and the “three nos”, including no recognition or peace with Israel; Palestinian terrorism, including the massacres at the Olympics and Ma’alot, and the Entebbe attack; and the negation of Israel's right to exist (which would seem to preclude "mutual recognition") enshrined in the PLO Charter. The sophisticated, however, understand that no peace offer predicated on a total Israeli withdrawal from all territories before negotiations even begin is a serious offer; that an international conference would, inevitably, be dominated by the Arab countries and thus stacked against Israel; and that the United Nations – whose corrupted elite, which somehow fails to offend Chomsky’s ostensibly populist sensibilities, can hardly be called a “near-universal international consensus” – which keeps Israel in an apartheid-style isolation from any regional group, is an organization so utterly biased and immoral as to be incapable of any serious role in negotiations beyond parroting the Arab states’ propaganda line. The peace process is called that because it is precisely that, the process by which the parties to a conflict negotiate the prospective end to said conflict between themselves. Of course, it also worth mentioning what Chomsky leaves most glaringly unmentioned; his own view of what constitutes a “peaceful diplomatic settlement”: the dismantling of the State of Israel. So much, apparently, for sophistication.
But the sophisticated understand that these efforts do not form part of the peace process. The reason is that in the PC meaning, the term peace process refers to what the US government is doing -- in the cases mentioned, this is to block international efforts to seek peace. The cases cited do not fall within the peace process, because the US backed Israel's rejection of Sadat's offer, vetoed the Security Council resolution, opposed negotiations and mutual recognition of the PLO and Israel, and regularly joins with Israel in opposing -- thereby, in effect, vetoing -- any attempt to move towards a peaceful diplomatic settlement at the UN or elsewhere.
Take the term special interest. The well-oiled Republican PR systems of the 1980s regularly accused the Democrats of being the party of the special interests: women, labor, the elderly, the young, farmers -- in short, the general population. There was only one sector of the population never listed as a special interest: corporations and business generally. That makes sense. In PC discourse their (special) interests are the national interest, to which all must bow.What does one say about an eighty year old academic who cannot admit that the general population of his country rejects his values and ideas and, even worse, doesn’t consider them worth listening to? Apparently, it is unnecessary to say anything, since we have the house of cards, the hall of mirrors, before us; the elaborate intellectual schema by which one can convince oneself that, in truth, you are the true spokesman of the people, you are the true advocate for the victims of the unseen “class war” (speaking of vulgar Marxist rhetoric), that you alone speak the truth to those terrible powers of media and politics who never, never accuse the Republican Party of being too close to big business or of cowtowing to special interests, who never give women, or poor farmers, or tenured leftists, for that matter, an even break, and who would never, simply never be caught displaying an anti-war or anti-Republican bias. It must be a pleasant place to live, this echo chamber, placid, undisturbing, and requiring no capacity for self-critical thought whatsoever.
The Democrats plaintively retorted that they were not the party of the special interests: they served the national interest too. That was correct, but their problem has been that they lack the single-minded class consciousness of their Republican opponents. The latter are not confused about their role as representatives of the owners and managers of the society, who are fighting a bitter class war against the general population -- often adopting vulgar Marxist rhetoric and concepts, resorting to jingoist hysteria, fear and terror, awe of great leaders and the other standard devices of population control. The Democrats are less clear about their allegiances, hence less effective in the propaganda wars.
Finally, take the term conservative, which has come to refer to advocates of a powerful state, which interferes massively in the economy and in social life. They advocate huge state expenditures and a postwar peak of protectionist measures and insurance against market risk, narrowing individual liberties through legislation and court-packing, protecting the Holy State from unwarranted inspection by the irrelevant citizenry -- in short, those programs that are the precise opposite of traditional conservatism. Their allegiance is to "the people who own the country" and therefore "ought to govern it," in the words of Founding Father John Jay.In fact, “advocates of a powerful state, which interferes massively in the economy and in social life. They advocate huge state expenditures and a postwar peak of protectionist measures and insurance against market risk, narrowing individual liberties through legislation and court-packing, protecting the Holy State from unwarranted inspection by the irrelevant citizenry” is a fairly good description of mainstream liberalism, or such as it has been since the late 1960s. While it has little or nothing to do with conservatism, and, in fact, describes almost everything the likes of William F. Buckley or Freidrich Hayek or Edmund Burke, for that matter, would oppose; it is a rather apt elaboration of the worldview of the East Coast Left of the Democratic Party (with which, on the basic bread and butter issues, Chomsky is essentially indistinguishable). Of course, we can be forgiving on this issue, since the ideas of free enterprise, democracy, defense against aggression, and the other sundry concepts whose reality Chomsky dares not acknowledge, such as patriotism, truth, and elementary human decency, have passed almost indisputably into the hands of the conservative movement, in no small part thanks to the influence of Chomsky and his followers. We may, however, finally be reassured - if indeed we had any doubt - that Founding Fathers are also among those of whom Chomsky disapproves.
It is not merely in the realm of language that What Uncle Sam Really Wants resembles an elaborately barricaded echo chamber. The book's documentation is, to say the least, fascinatingly unique, since it consists, almost entirely, of references to the works of Noam Chomsky; thus making Chomsky perhaps the first author in history to regard himself as the foremost authority in a subject in which he holds no credentials. Such contortions are mind boggling, or mind bogglingly hilarious, depending on your point of view. And it is not merely in reference to himself that we can recognize the hall of mirrors. There is also reference to “Broader studies by economist Edward Herman [which] reveal a close correlation worldwide between torture and US aid,” which somehow fails to inform us that Edward Herman is a frequent collaborator with Chomsky (including on his denial of the Cambodian genocide and his hysterical media-conspiracy tract Manufacturing Consent) and perhaps the only economist in the world about whom it is impossible to imagine that he would discover anything but such a correlation. Along with arch-Chomskyite Herman there is the aforementioned Kolko, who, needless to say, made himself famous with the theories of the Cold War Chomsky rather slavishly apes in these pages.
The point of all this, of course, is clear, and it is as I have mentioned before, one of control. As Pierre Vidal-Naquet described the notorious object of Chomsky’s largesse, Robert Faurisson, Chomsky “does not seek after truth but after lies,” and thus there is no chance that any source, any author, any fact, any opinion which might cast doubt upon the catechism set forth herein should penetrate the delicate skein of untruths. In order to control minds, in order to guard against the dreaded ideological deviationism, it is necessary as well to control history and to control language. This is a method with a long, though hardly distinguished, pedigree, and Chomsky puts it to good use here. Like the hapless purge victims airbrushed out of Stalin’s photographs until nothing but the dread leader remained, we are finally left, once all the victims have been expunged, all the blood washed away, all the atrocities denied and all the slaughter whitewashed, with nothing but the accumulated resentments, conceits, vanities, and neuroses of a single man; and we are left to ponder the darkness that must exist in the solitary ferocity of him who rails without end at the sound of his own echo.
The real debate here, however, is not about human rights, or methods of torture, or competing economic systems, or the history of the Cold War; it is, rather, about the nature of American society and the nature of those societies akin to it in structure and political inclination. It is, in effect, about the existence of freedom itself. In examining Chomsky’s assertions on this issue, it is no small thing to note that the countries which he singles out for unqualified praise: Cuba, North Vietnam, Sandanista Nicaragua, are all fundamentally unfree societies; nor does it behoove us to ignore the violence of the pseudo-prophetic apocalypticisms with which Chomsky flails at the most basic institutions of his own society, and the use to which he puts such divinations. On the media, for instance:
Other factors reinforce the same distortion. The cultural managers (editors, leading columnists, etc.) share class interests and associations with state and business managers and other privileged sectors. There is, in fact, a regular flow of high-level people among corporations, government and media. Access to state authorities is important to maintain a competitive position; "leaks," for example, are often fabrications and deceit produced by the authorities with the cooperation of the media, who pretend they don't know…This is, of course, elementary Marxist conspiracism (and vulgar, at that). One can agree or disagree with it, and, indeed, it is a point of view often advanced by conservative critics of the media and the liberal establishment (minus the “class interests”, of course, most conservatives, with the exception, perhaps, of Irving Kristol, are not quite that Marxist) and one must give Chomsky credit; he may lack originality but is, at least, undiscriminating in his plagiarism. To accept this formulation fully, however, would demand that you accept Chomsky’s assertion that there is an earnest collaboration between the media and the governmental and business sectors of American society, rather than an adversarial relationship of often significant violence; a position which would be, even for a vulgar Marxist, impossible to accept. But our determinedly un-vulgar semi-Marxist is prepared to go further; into a condemnation not merely of the media, business, or government elite, but into a complete, in total declaration of disapproval towards the vast, manipulated unwashed:
In any country, there's some group that has the real power. It's not a big secret where power is in the United States. It basically lies in the hands of the people who determine investment decisions -- what's produced, what's distributed. They staff the government, by and large, choose the planners, and set the general conditions for the doctrinal system.
The doctrinal system, which produces what we call "propaganda" when discussing enemies, has two distinct targets. One target is what's sometimes called the "political class," the roughly 20% of the population that's relatively educated, more or less articulate, playing some role in decision-making. Their acceptance of doctrine is crucial, because they're in a position to design and implement policy.
Then there's the other 80% or so of the population. These are Lippmann's "spectators of action," whom he referred to as the "bewildered herd." They are supposed to follow orders and keep out of the way of the important people. They're the target of the real mass media: the tabloids, the sitcoms, the Super Bowl and so on.
These sectors of the doctrinal system serve to divert the unwashed masses and reinforce the basic social values: passivity, submissiveness to authority, the overriding virtue of greed and personal gain, lack of concern for others, fear of real or imagined enemies, etc. The goal is to keep the bewildered herd bewildered. It's unnecessary for them to trouble themselves with what's happening in the world. In fact, it's undesirable -- if they see too much of reality they may set themselves to change it.
And now we can see that, whatever ardent protestations of populism and philo-democracy we may hear from the good professor, he is, first and last, a professor, come to lecture us; or, at least, that unfortunate eighty percent belaboring in darkness, blinded by the tabloids, the sitcoms, the unspeakably evil Super Bowl (I detect echoes of schoolyard resentments); us, the bewildered herd, to which Chomsky is the benevolent father, come to educate, to enlighten, and, finally, to liberate. It is Chomsky’s very own Fantasy of the Cave wherein we are Plato's chained prisoners mesmerized by the dance of shadows, and he is the benighted one who has seen the sun, but chooses not to bask in its ecstatic rays but rather, out of pure generosity of spirit, returns to set us free from our fetters and bring us forth, unwashed, submissive, and bewildered as we are, into the light.
This reverie is many things; it is egomania on an epic scale, it is grotesquely insulting to the intelligence of the average person, it is elitist to the point of low comedy, but it is also more than that. It is, first and foremost, an unambiguous statement to the effect that Noam Chomsky has failed, resolutely and, perhaps, with malice aforethought, to learn the most existential of the lessons of the twentieth century: the ominous menace and horrendous cost of the tyranny of virtue. For here we see all the old imperatives awakened once again: the people are manipulated, decadent, and ignorant; the forces of evil control all the machinations of society; the very foundations of our world are in service of unseen satanic forces; we must teach them, we must liberate them, we must rule - I must rule. It is the same cry of a hundred proto-tyrants from the Marxist to the Islamic radical: the free society is an illusion, it does not exist; freedom is slavery, war is peace; there is only one road to liberation, it is mine; there is only one road out of this corruption, it is the road of virtue, it is absolute, it is mine. The idea of choice, that people, perhaps even the majority of the people, choose freely not to follow the musings of these infant prophets is an impossibility to the man who believes he has unlocked the key to humanity’s liberation; this impossibility demands the conclusion that choice is also an impossibility, or, rather, it is possible only for the chosen, who choose to descend to the unwashed to bring them forth into the brave new world. It is in this equation, in the confrontation between the free society and the tyranny of virtue, that Chomsky finds himself unrelentingly, resolutely, and unapologetically on the side of the tyrants, the murderers, the executioners, and the diggers of graves.
It must be noted, before we become too sanguine on the subject, that Chomsky, quite ominously, is not at all pessimistic on the possibilities of the present moment, or the future.
Take the Kennedy and Reagan administrations, which were similar in a number of ways in their basic policies and commitments. When Kennedy launched a huge international terrorist campaign against Cuba after his invasion failed, and then escalated the murderous state terror in South Vietnam to outright aggression, there was no detectable protest.It is, of course, pointless to point out that the only terrorist campaign in Cuba is that directed by the Cuban government against its people, or that the only state terror in South Vietnam was that enacted by North Vietnam following its illegal and unprovoked invasion and takeover of its southern counterpart. Nor that the Reagan administration was constrained from direct intervention in Central America not by public protests, but by the opposition of the Democratic Party, which controlled the Congress and was dominated by figures like Ted Kennedy and current presidential candidate John Kerry, whose views on the Cold War were, in essence, identical to Chomsky’s. The dominance of a political party by Chomsky-approved ideology - something which, according to Chomsky, is impossible - precluded direct intervention against Leftist tyranny in Central America, and, for that matter, anywhere else. And we are faced at the same time with another remarkable impossibility; the fact that, contrary to Chomsky’s assertion, it was the “cultural managers” who led the assault on Columbus’ discovery (no one, to my knowledge, has ever alleged “liberation”) of the American continent. “Hysteria”, of course, has always been Chomsky’s domain, and not his critics.
It wasn't until hundreds of thousands of American troops were deployed and all of Indochina was under devastating attack, with hundreds of thousands slaughtered, that protest became more than marginally significant. In contrast, as soon as the Reagan administration hinted that they intended to intervene directly in Central America, spontaneous protest erupted at a scale sufficient to compel the state terrorists to turn to other means…
Much the same is true across the board. Take 1992. If the Columbus quincentenary had been in 1962, it would have been a celebration of the liberation of the continent. In 1992, that response no longer has a monopoly, a fact that has aroused much hysteria among the cultural managers who are used to near-totalitarian control. They now rant about the "fascist excesses" of those who urge respect for other people and other cultures.
It is pointless to point out these things because the sum total of the good professor’s assertions indicates a mind compulsively ignorant of the horrendous actuality of life in an unfree society, an ignorance so all-encompassing that he cannot even recognize one when he sees it. It is painfully clear that Chomsky believes America is totalitarian because he has no experience of actually living under a totalitarian government. For him, the minor inconvenience of being relatively anonymous and ignored in his own country is enough to make him an oppressed dissident in a brutal tyranny. The horrendous indignity of not being regularly quoted in the mass media amounts to a conspiracy of government oppression against himself, the himself who is and has always been Chomsky’s foremost concern. Chomsky is, in fact, the very quintessence of that Orwellian victim of security, too much affluence, and a basic ignorance of how the world works. And so we are left only with this, blessedly final denouement:
The struggle for freedom is never over. The people of the Third World need our sympathetic understanding and, much more than that, they need our help. We can provide them with a margin of survival by internal disruption in the United States. Whether they can succeed against the kind of brutality we impose on them depends in large part on what happens here.We already know, of course, that freedom does not exist - if freedom means the right of a populace to choose for themselves what to think, what to buy, and who to rule them - if the choice they make should happen to contradict the proclamations of Noam Chomsky. Nor do we now have any illusions about what constitutes “illegitimate authority”; it is whatever authority lacks the enthusiastic approval of Noam Chomsky, something which would, apparently, leave North Vietnam, Cuba, and Sandanista Nicaragua as the only legitimate authorities of the last four decades. Most of all, however, we now have no illusions about what Chomsky means by that sinister phrase, “internal disruption”; he means all those well-known acts which disrupt, assault, and seek to delegitimize that process of representative democracy which Chomsky considers a farce and which, through the refusal of Chomsky’s manipulated unwashed to bear witness to his indisputable and prophetic truths, constitutes the most total and direct threat to the ideology of illusions which Chomsky has spent a lifetime building.
The courage they show is quite amazing. I've personally had the privilege -- and it is a privilege -- of catching a glimpse of that courage at first hand in Southeast Asia, in Central America and on the occupied West Bank. It's a very moving and inspiring experience, and invariably brings to my mind some contemptuous remarks of Rousseau's on Europeans who have abandoned freedom and justice for the peace and repose "they enjoy in their chains." He goes on to say:When I see multitudes of entirely naked savages scorn European voluptuousness and endure hunger, fire, the sword and death to preserve only their independence, I feel that it does not behoove slaves to reason about freedom.People who think that these are mere words understand very little about the world.
And that's just a part of the task that lies before us. There's a growing Third World at home. There are systems of illegitimate authority in every corner of the social, political, economic and cultural worlds. For the first time in human history, we have to face the problem of protecting an environment that can sustain a decent human existence. We don't know that honest and dedicated effort will be enough to solve or even mitigate such problems as these. We can be quite confident, however, that the lack of such efforts will spell disaster.
But there is more still than that; the Chomsky we meet in this final passage is a man at war with the entirety of the modern world, who seeks to return us all to that sacred innocent embodied in Rousseau’s “multitudes of entirely naked savages”, to remake us in the model of that racist fantasy of the Third World as a collection of noble barbarians. This Chomsky is little more than a Eurocentric fetishist of the exotic, who makes a fantasy for himself of people utterly foreign to him and who he understands not all, all in hopes of curing his own terrible inability to cope with his place in the modern world. But there is a threat behind this fantasy, for Chomsky wishes to drag us all down into the cauldron with him, and it is this trance of self-loathing; which has already motivated him and so many other self-styled advocates of human freedom to see such creeds of slavery and oppression as authoritarian socialism and radical Islam as at worst divine justice and at best the last, best hope of man; which does indeed threaten to spell disaster for us all.
The full text of What Uncle Sam Really Wants can be found on the internet at:
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